It might interest you to know, that in the very earliest days of colonization in America, European indentured servants were preferred to African (or any other) slaves/indentureds. The slave holders wanted someone that spoke the same language as them so that they could communicate their directions clearly. Only later did the African slave trade become the monster it was in America.
2007-02-28 02:47:01
answer #1
answered by steddy voter 6
Whitey is evil, man! don't you know that?
Nah, seriously. People today act like the southern states of the United States were the only people to ever have slaves and that the blacks were the only people who were enslaved.
These people care nothing about history. They care only how they can benefit from throwing it in our faces.
The truth is, "whitey" owes more to Native Americans than they ever will to the decendants of african slaves. But you don't see Native Americans complaining as much, do you? No. You don't.
Now I wonder why that is.
2007-02-28 12:29:52
answer #2
answered by The Oldest Soul 3
Initially African slaves were acquired by Arabs - either by direct capture or by purchasing them ( for cheap trade goods ) from other African tribes. Europeans became involved very late in the history of the African slave trade, and then mainly by purchasing and transporting them to the Americas. Again these purchases were made from Arab or African sources. Europeans were rarely involved in slave-taking operations at the outset, and eventually had to fight Africans and Arabs to curtail the trade. Sadly there is evidence of the continued existence of slavery in the Horn of Africa today where backward Arab groups carry on the old ways.
The history of slavery is often considered as an Atlantic and European phenomenon. In fact the Indian Ocean slave trade began many centuries earlier - largely to supply labour to Mesopotamia. Again it was conducted by Arabs, and involved probably as many human chattels as the Atlantic trade. A major reason that it is not remembered today is that because male and female slaves were segregated, and because working conditions gravely shortened life, there were hardly any descendants of the victims to recall or remember their fate. Their story has to be found in eye witness accounts by non-Black free men.
2007-02-28 10:35:15
answer #3
answered by Tony B 6
Slavery was not an uncommon practice, In Africa. Please Remember ; When slaves first came to America they were to work a few years say seven or nine years . to work off their debt ,and then set free. As it was common practice In many Countrys. Like India ,China and so on and so forth . As you put it old Whitey did'nt have help changing that rule and believing he had the right to own a human being for the rest of their lives and not only that person ,but even that persons children . Now Please RemeberThat!!!!!
2007-02-28 10:28:22
answer #4
answered by winnerfull-1 5
Oh COURSE !! Slavery was a major part of life within African tribes, and certain tribes were QUITE happy to sell their slaves and hunt for more to sell to the white-traders.
I learned that back in the 1970's... and damned near got kicked out of 4th grade for suggesting that it was ANYTHING other than ALL the fault of the "white-devil"... ah those wonderful liberal California teachers !!
The History Channel has been running series on this subject matter all this month !!
2007-02-28 10:26:12
answer #5
answered by mariner31 7
More to the point - did you know that slavery or something very akin to it is still going on? Try looking at Saudi Arabia.
2007-02-28 14:03:17
answer #6
answered by john b 5
Ye. they black tribes got rid of all the people they did not want.
2007-02-28 10:16:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes. They traded people for guns, cotton and other things that weren't available in their homeland.
2007-02-28 10:19:50
answer #8
answered by sayhello 3