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.. how would you describe yourself?

2007-02-27 22:14:35 · 11 answers · asked by pax veritas 4 in Social Science Psychology

Green.. – It is easier to relate to a sense of self once an identity is established.
Tonty.. – Let people make your identity.

Merma.. – “Self-awareness is key to us all. It is important for everyone to have some kind of purpose or direction in life.”
Tacit.. – What? Does the self have an identity? :: Out of scope.

PAUL.. – Other people forms opinions of us.
Moggi.. – Those with a strong sense of identity and belonging tend to find the world a simpler place; those who are lack identity and belief are the lost souls.

Rambo.. – “If you know who and what you are..not concerned about public's perception..do right by others..progress through life with the respect that other people will give.”
// Not related to the question. Take heart with your “crappy week”, Some of us pull hundred hours a week routinely. Hands on approach is a good way to learn the ropes of the job and when the time comes, leading by example.

2007-03-07 03:44:39 · update #1

Mills.. – (Details below.)
- Any guarantee of "happily ever after" begins with oneself..serenity is born of acceptance. Each person..entitled to their own views and opinions.

- Much of the way of the worldview is a result messages and opinions that have been ingrained. Be open to..different points of view to..assess to redefine who and what we really stand for.

- Distinguish between guilt and responsibility..setting boundaries and learning to say NO. The only cross to bear is the one you choose to carry.

- Romantic love and familial love.
- Stop trying to control people, situations, and outcomes.
- Stop working so hard at putting feelings aside, smoothing things over, and ignoring ones needs.

2007-03-07 03:52:05 · update #2

Realization that you deserve to be treated with love, kindness, sensitivity, and respect, and you will not settle for less..internalize the meaning of self-respect. Your body is your temple.

- Learn that..in life you get what you believe you deserve. and that much of life is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
- Learn that life isn't always fair..not to personalize things.
- Learn to deal with evil in its most primal state - the ego.

.. take responsibility for yourself. by yourself, make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and to never ever settle for less than your heart's desire.

- Finally, with courage in your heart and with God by your side, you take a stand, you take a deep breath, and you begin to design the life you want to live as best as you can. It's all about timing.

2007-03-07 03:52:37 · update #3

Billi.. – :: Apologies for one’s limited vocabulary. What is “Class Act” ?
Julie.. – Being a good person.

2007-03-07 03:54:35 · update #4

Billi.. :: Being distinctive and superior..

2007-03-07 07:47:39 · update #5

11 answers

Yes,I try to be a good person...

2007-03-06 07:34:55 · answer #1 · answered by Juliette 6 · 1 0

if you know who and what you are, you're not very concerned about the public's perception of you. as long as you do right by others, you can progress through life with the respect that other people will give

2007-03-04 05:58:07 · answer #2 · answered by price 3 · 1 0

Of course it does! Self-awareness is key to us all. I'm not sure how we achieve that though....I'm not a psychologist! It is important for everyone to have some kind of purpose or direction in life. Sorry, I cannot describe myself!

2007-02-28 06:33:36 · answer #3 · answered by Ginny Jin 7 · 1 0

yes. Those with a straong sense of identity and belonging find things simpler I feel....as in life situations. Those who are bobbin gabout and lack identity and belief are the lost souls.

2007-03-01 06:47:21 · answer #4 · answered by eagledreams 6 · 1 0

I think yes. It is easier to relate to a sense of self once you have an identity or once you know exactly who you are. Once your personal borders are set then you can trully explore your self.

I don't know how I would describe myself. Probably as extremely unsure.

2007-02-28 06:21:32 · answer #5 · answered by greenfan109 4 · 1 0

What? Does the self have an identity? Can you sense that you have an ability to relate? Baked noodle to me .

2007-02-28 06:41:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In my opinion, it does. Your dentity will help you relate better with yourself, otheres and your surrounding.

2007-03-08 02:48:47 · answer #7 · answered by divagal 2 · 0 0

u shouldn't try to describe yourself let people make your identity and please send ur e mail address tht I can mail u somthing ok
buy buy take care and be happy

2007-02-28 06:21:39 · answer #8 · answered by ton 2 · 0 0

2 words CLASS ACT!

2007-03-06 15:25:43 · answer #9 · answered by Billie R 4 · 1 0

it's other people who identify you

2007-02-28 06:45:21 · answer #10 · answered by PAUL D 3 · 1 0

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