Neither. They have both done terrible things in the name of God. They are both filled with politics and corruption.
2007-02-27 20:05:53
answer #1
answered by AintSkeered 3
Did the pope announce a war today? I thought that was why the protestants fled some three or so hundred years ago escaping militant Catholic rule saying that everyone should be a Catholic or else your head got cut off because you were a witch or heretic......Thank God for the USA where freedom of religion rules.....oh, wait, I can't pray with my son at school on prayer day, the principle made a space for us out back, though......
Its beginning to look the same now with all the rules and laws that "offendeble" people have against us Christians. I know, we look very intimidating driving our old corrollas to drop off the kids at school, but don't you let us pray for you or else :-)
Like voodoo believers don't do the same thing, or others......Give me a break, this is the land of spiritual freedom but the only religion being restricted is Christianity?? Something truthful and wrong here.....
2007-02-27 20:05:51
answer #2
answered by kaliroadrager 5
If by "vs" you mean a debate, then that's easy: Which ever debator knows his beliefs better than the other is going to win. In some cases, a Protestant will win the debate. In others, a Catholic will win.
Of course you realize it makes no difference who wins. God's Truth is God's Truth. No debate between any two people means anything as far as who's denomination has better doctrine.
All to often, people think that, by winning a debate, they've proven their beliefs to be the right beliefs. Not so. All that is proven is that one person came more prepared than the other.
2007-03-02 06:32:46
answer #3
answered by Daver 7
Well my Dad had me christened a Protestant when I was a baby and then my mum converted to become a Catholic so she had me Baptized so I have a foot in both camps.On thing I will say though is I attended a Catholic school all my life and I never had a teacher that wasn't a nun and we studied all religions Buddhism,Hinduism,Islam and many others and not once was I taught they were heathens we were taught that these are their beliefs and these are ours and that is their choice pretty smart those old nuns were.
2007-02-27 20:28:22
answer #4
answered by molly 7
I'm not religious but if I were a Christian I'd have to side with the Catholics. The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. The protestant churches are just cheap knock offs that just sprang up 400-500 years ago. If you're going to believe in Jesus, you might as well do it right. Why buy imitation religion when the original is still free?
Also the Nazis and the English monarchy are protestant. Nothing good about them.
2007-02-27 20:13:59
answer #5
answered by Tim 2
I really like Valentine's answer...
But, to answer your question, I would side with the Protestants. I was born and reared Roman Catholic (RC), and now consider myself a "recovering Catholic." I question the RC's rules on reproduction (I believe that the only form of birth control allowed by the RC church is the rhythm method), on men and women's roles in the church (i.e., women are not allowed to be priests, and must be subservient to men as nuns - never equal). I question the amount of money the RC church has at their disposal (I believe they are the 3rd largest land owners in Manhattan - that says volumes to me) and the number of poor - and the seeming hypocrisy of that. The sexual "assaults" on young children because of the celibacy rules is painful.
Do some of these things happen in the Protestant churches? Sure. Do good things come out of the RC church? Absolutely.
I guess the RC church puts itself above other Churches as "better", and in doing so should be an example of good not "other."
2007-02-27 20:20:50
answer #6
answered by rtistathrt 3
Hi Jack, Firstly the question that you have asked should have been would you side with Roman Catholics or Protestants? Because when you say Catholics it includes protestants (The Holy Catholic church). But I think you meant roman catholic. See personally when you see the people are the same be it roman catholics or protestants with their own personal goodness or negative aspects like any other human being. When it comes to ideology I would side with protestants because its more closer to the Holy Bible. Particularly in terms of using Idols in the churches, or praying to saints, when it says clearly in the Bible (By Christ Himself) that Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one goes to the father except through him. So praying to the saints is wrong according to the scripture. Secondly Martin Luther makes it clear through his Sola Scriptura, Sola Christus and Sola Gracias. That is Scripture alone, Christ Alone and Mercy or Grace Alone. There is no in between or any other authority on the earth and we can have a direct communion with our personal savior Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God is within us. But Roman Catholicism gives too much importance to tradition and non scriptural ceremonies which Christ Himself was against when He walked this earth (Like sabbath was traditionally a holy day, but Christ healed a person on Sabbath and the Pharisees were upset). So when your asking as a whole if I would side with Roman catholics of protestants as people or huaman beings, I would say there is no need to take sides as they are the same. But when it comes to idealogy and if you believe in the Bible, Protestant idealogy seems closer to the Bible, to me.
2007-02-27 20:07:50
answer #7
answered by Valentine 2
Oh no! I am going to have to hate myself? My dad is a Catholic and my mom is a Protestant! I'll have to ask them who won at there 61st anniversary in June
2007-02-27 20:07:17
answer #8
answered by Boston Mark 5
Jack learn to do your own thinking and home work!
Being a Non Beleiver, I would let them kill each other and carry on enjoying the spoils of their own destruction.
" Many will call my name and I shall know them not"
2007-02-27 21:35:51
answer #9
answered by paulisfree2004 6
In John 17:20-22, Jesus prayed:
"I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one."
"The Catholic Church embraces with hope the commitment to ecumenism as a duty of the Christian conscience enlightened by faith and guided by love…Jesus himself, at the hour of his Passion, prayed 'that they may all be one' (John 17:21)." -- Pope John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint, May 25, 1995.
We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We should be standing side by side not on opposite sides.
"What separates us as believers in Christ is much less than what unites us." (Pope John XXIII)
With love in Christ.
2007-02-28 17:05:01
answer #10
answered by imacatholic2 7
Catholics are just a European government religion.
2007-02-28 00:16:12
answer #11
answered by Kermit renversant de corporation 3