Normally you have to get a BSc degree first ( say 4 yrs study ) then you can specialise in one area by getting a masters degree ( 1 yr ) or PhD degree ( 3 yrs ). Research jobs usually pay little compared to exploration and production geologists who explore for and produce oil, gold, iron, copper etc. But work for these geologists is cyclical - depending on the economy. The economy is doing well right now and there is a great demand for geologists.
Hydrogeologists study the abundance, distribution and quality of ground water.
Environmental geologists work to solve problems with pollution, waste disposal and urban development and hazards such as flooding and erosion.
Geomorphologists study the effects of Earth processes and investigate the nature, origin and development of present landforms and their relationship to underlying structures.
Paleoclimatologists/Paleoceanographers interpret past global changes and predict future changes from past records.
Volcanologists investigate volcanoes and volcanic phenomena.
Seismologists study the location and force of earthquakes and trace the behavior of earthquake waves to interpret the structure of the Earth.
Petroleum geologists are involved in exploration and production of oil and natural gas.
Economic geologists explore for and develop geologic materials that have profitable uses.
Engineering geologists investigate geologic factors that affect engineering structures such as bridges, buildings, airports and dams.
Geochemists investigate the nature and distribution of chemical elements in rocks and minerals.
Petrologists determine the origin and genesis of rocks by analyzing the textures and chemistry of minerals and rocks.
Mineralogists study the formation, composition and properties of minerals.
Geophysicists decipher the Earth's interior and magnetic, electric and gravitational fields.
Geodynamacists study plate tectonics, specifically the hows and whys of plate motions and deformations.
Geochronologists determine the age of certain rocks by calculating the rates of decay of certain radioactive elements and thus help reconstruct the geologic history of the Earth.
Planetary geologists study the moon and other planets to understand the evolution of the solar system.
Structural geologists study deformation, fracturing and folding that has occurred in the Earth's crust.
Stratigraphers investigate the time and space relationships of layered rocks and their fossil and mineral content.
Sedimentologists study sedimentary rocks and the processes of sediment formation, transportation and deposition.
Paleontologists study fossils to understand past life forms and their changes through time and to reconstruct past environments.
Marine geologists investigate the oceans and continental shelves.
Glaciologists study the physical properties and movement of glaciers and ice sheets.
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2007-02-28 00:20:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
specialize in volcanos and even a job finding oil deposits for oil comp. even maping and surveying for fed gov.
2007-02-28 03:28:38
answer #2
answered by alice k 2