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If you haven't seen "Jesus Camp," you must rent it. I'm asking that ONLY people who have seen the film comment.

Who was your favorite kid? Mine was Andrew, the little blonde boy who admitted to having doubts about his faith and about God. He seemed so fragile, yet so brave, to admit that in that setting.

What did you think about Becky, the camp leader?

2007-02-27 17:52:07 · 2 answers · asked by Texasippi Girl 3 in Entertainment & Music Movies

2 answers

I think those ppl are abusers, and I think those kids are crazy.

2007-03-01 10:02:52 · answer #1 · answered by Casey B 2 · 0 0

I really liked the movie. And I consider myself an evangelical Christian.

I felt that the movie makers presented everyone with fairness and let the story tell itself without any agendas...

I loved the little girl who goes up to the lady in the bowling alley and hands her a tract...i don't remember her name...but I loved her enthusiasm...however hard it was to deal with...

Oh yeah, and Ted Haggard!! j/k

Becky is hard to like but I dont really consider her a villain...she truly believes in what she's doing...but she's fallen into the trap that a lot of evangelicals fall into...that only a manipulation of emotions translates into a real intimate relationship with God for kids... which is a real lie. I feel like she should be pitied more than hated.

2007-02-27 18:01:09 · answer #2 · answered by Keith H 2 · 0 0

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