Yes, you are right! It is a natural occurrence that we can't stop. Al Gore and his cronies just found them a cash cow!
2007-02-27 13:47:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Your right ,the movie "An Inconvenient Truth",or Global Warming is not a fact.It is a theory.It is also hysteria.In1976 many papers reported that Scientists believed that we were beginning an ice age look it up.Say that Global warming is happening now, like it has many times before,A warmer earth could have more benefits than draw backs.Until it's proved, and it's effects determined,hysterical people should just chill out.
2007-02-27 14:55:03
answer #2
answered by shawnn 4
I look at it this way. many tried to strong arm Bush and the US to sign on to Kyoto. We didn't ( wisely )
Now look at it.
36 countries signed it. only 2 ( UK and Sweden ) have actually reduced their Co2 emmissions as Kyoto wanted. Some of those countries have increased thier emmissions over 25%.
Meanwhile the USA who didnt participate reduced our Co2 emmissions.
The UN's environmental study group was claiming that Iceberg/sheet melting would cause the seal level to rise by about 3 feet and flood much of the coastal regions.
Awhile later they finally admitted they had flawed data and now its looking more like 17 inches.
( how can you be off by 50% thats ridiculous )
The longer this goes on.. the more we will see that the data used to form the gobal warming consensus, is flawed. People with a vested interest in government study grants, book writing and movie interests have cherry picked their data to show environmental issues in a more drastic or extreme situation than actually exists.
And we also see that there is certainly some hipocracy from some like Al the use tons of powerk, drive around in SUV's, Fly around in Jets, give my son a big ole cadillac.
Then you have Nancy Pelosi sayign she is puttin together a congressional group .. yea another one... to study global warming as its a serious concern.
Then she turns around and wont settle for a G3 Jet to fly around in she is demanding a jet that has the same range but uses twice the amount of fuel.
go figure... its a nutty world
2007-02-27 13:57:48
answer #3
answered by sociald 7
Yes, they will be proved fools. Just like they have many times in the past. By that time though, their ignorant socialist drivel will have done its dirty deed. Such hysterics, running around clucking what they have been told. Their are many scientist who disagree with global warming. With the alarmist proven track record of being wrong, you would think some of these people would question it instead of blindly believing what they are told. Its real purpose is to paralyze the economy, through strict environmental regulations. Anyway to stick it to You, and all Americans. The enemy is among us.
2007-02-27 13:56:52
answer #4
answered by zzz 2
30 years ago, the winter lasted from November to march, and snow in April was NOT uncommon!
Now we have snow for ONE week in February, and that is it!
Do you NOT think global warming has SOMETHING to do with it?
The UK press reported that we all will be dead in FIVE years, so that makes your TEN years look a bit stupid!
A bit like you, eh!
2007-02-27 13:50:36
answer #5
answered by tattie_herbert 6
words out of my own mouth. There's a guy, goes by captain stupid that will report you for not being a believer. SHHHH, be carefull with your questions, he's pretty wierd like all those other gore imbosils. Oh yea, same scientist cryed 'ice age' that now cry 'gonna burn'. If it gets a government grant they'll say anything and imbosils like gor will push it.
2007-02-27 13:53:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Personally, I do not think it is a laughing matter. I think it is time we all woke up and did our part. What does it hurt? Maybe we will not all die tomorrow from Global warming.. but our children might.. our grandchildren.. are we so selfish that we do not want to protect the earth for them???
2007-02-27 13:47:49
answer #7
answered by Debra H 7
The problem is: what if they are right? I would rather do some small stuff that I did not have to do rather than finding myself up to my butt in trouble because I did not listen to what 99+% of worlds scietists had to say on the subject.
2007-02-27 13:51:30
answer #8
answered by cimra 7
Yes - we'll be laughing as the cons try to claim it was their issue all along. We'll be laughing at the people who used science experiments like "melting ice in my glass doesn't make the level rise" as Rush did. We'll be helping the people displaced by sea level rises, we'll be searching for ways for farmers to change crops that no longer grow in warmer environments.
2007-02-27 13:47:21
answer #9
answered by ArgleBargleWoogleBoo 3
Nah, in 10 years you'll realize that science has always deserved your respect not only for its conclusions but for the way in which it obtains them. Meanwhile, religious idiocy will be a curiosity in the history books.
2007-02-27 15:58:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
global warming is a scientific fact. watch the movie "the inconvenient truth". you may want to rethink your stand on the chicken littles who are warning us to change and are turning the planet into our own personal garbage dump of waste
2007-02-27 13:50:33
answer #11
answered by debijean 3