Because they feel like it. Everyone has a right to name their kids whatever they want. Those names are just weird sounding because they don't fit to dominant white standards. But not all african americans name their children with "weird" names. I've seen plenty of them with "normal" sounding names. No name is a weird name.
2007-02-27 13:47:10
answer #1
answered by Derp 4
Its not weird, its new. Just because a name hasn't been used before does not make it weird. No, Africans name their children African names too. I did not want to name my sons Jack or Bill.
Its been done. It gets old.
AND.......I have heard some non-traditional names by non-African-Americans, such as what a lot of the celebrities are naming their kids.
2007-02-27 13:53:42
answer #2
answered by Tumbleweed 5
Not everyone is Christian, some people are Muslim and they give their children Muslim names. I think people are judged by their names, and that names do have meaning, I'm a firm believer in numerology.. I'm against naming children made up names just because they sound cute, or after cars or liquor...
2007-02-28 00:48:21
answer #3
answered by Annabella Stephens 6
Those names are associated with the culture. Why do Americans name their children Tiffany, Keneth, Ross? Why do hispanics name their children Citlali, Guadalupe, Cuauhtemoc, Xotchil? Why do Asians name their children Yo'Sang and Shin'go?
Its cultural. It gives your child an origin. A sense of where they come from.
I have to tell you that one of my pet peeves is when a mexican person names their child Bryan and spells it Braian and pronounces it Bry-Yan. Why not just call him Oscar and call him Oscar. You can say it just as easily in english as you can in spanish.
2007-02-27 13:45:13
answer #4
answered by MariChelita 5
Why should it bother anyone? Names are a daddy + mommy + baby thing so if the name is not good to you, don't worry. Some mom and pap somewhere love it. It's just like asking why there is a car called Kia. Well, if you prefer Mercedes Benz (which I do), then get the Benz but don't hate on the Kia. There are people who love Kias!!!!!! Spread the peace!!! Hate the hate!!!
2007-02-27 13:43:36
answer #5
answered by JiveSly 4
What about the white people like Gwyneth who named her kid Apple or the other jacked up names white people come up with. Don't sit here and talk about black people's names when they're not the only one doing it. Maybe you should rephrase your question to "Why do people name their children weird names?" and leave it at that.
2007-02-27 13:41:45
answer #6
answered by mypassions4life 5
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's not your place to judge how people name their children.
2007-02-27 13:42:18
answer #7
answered by ami 4
Because those are African names. Why do White people name their kids Lexus, Brett, Lance, Devin?
2007-02-27 13:40:43
answer #8
answered by Mississippi River 3
Well, once my sister told me that they take the maiden name of their Mother & pair it with the first few or last letters of their spouse's parent. But I don't think that's true.
2007-02-28 01:39:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
To some DaisyMae is a weird name. It's all relative.
2007-02-27 13:41:05
answer #10
answered by ignoramus_the_great 7