It seems conservatives have mastered the art of the smear campaign. Liberals don't seem to be able to contend with conservatives' mudslinging. Somewhere over the course of history, the word "conservative" has gained a positive connotation, and "liberalism" a negative one.
I think the reason conservatives have so much success in smear campaigns is their connection with the Christian Church, the all-time mudslinging champions. Words like "righteous" and "bohemian" were coined by the church to make cons looks better and libs worse, respectively.
Anyway, liberal values, in my opinion are essential in child raising.
2007-02-27 12:07:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
in a world of individuals, color removed, or added, how could all be defined by c~L ?its impossible, however choosing sides gives us something to do about an issue we usually cant change instantly or even with an election. we choose 1 side or the other and argue about it and feel good when our team or side wins, then pretty much status quoe reigns.
now think about it, to heck with majority on moral issues, do you want uncle sam as mommy? how about uncle sam as your religious advisor? maybe a sex therapist? now we do pass laws for a reason, the reason is its the mood of the general public ie;the one's taking part and making noise.
seems to me if im covered with a punishment of an offense i should get a real say on the law, ie;vote. how often is a civil or criminal offense left to the voters who will fall under its rule? always in a perfect world, but my constitution with my name on the deed first has been amended without my consent on a regular basis.
i can argue this till im blue, or choose a side. i tend to be conservative but with more than a good heart full of liberal. now how often is the ballot measure printed in its full form? never. now a bad salesman can sell a car or etc. scares me to think of what ive voted for, knowing that there are really 2 types, those who are told young, that they can be in control by participation and then those that are told why vote, it makes no difference.
2007-02-27 20:22:51
answer #2
answered by l8ntpianist 3
Seriously, very good question.
And I am serious when I say this: the Republic party has literally been bred to thrive on confrontation, hate and prejudices. I am not just making that up. I was raised in a conservative Republic family in the South.
Karl Rove started this in the 70s and has been quoted as saying, "... the secret to motivating ppl to vote a certain way and forget all other issues, is to motivate their hate and prejudices..."
Btw, the only reason they don't attack ppl of any color other than white, to their face btw, is because they gets them into trouble and proves their racism.
2007-02-27 20:13:04
answer #3
answered by BeachBum 7
I think everyone needs to know that stereotypes hurt people. I am an Independent. I respect all our Presidents even if I don't agree with everything they do. It's time to stop the hate and work together as a team.
2007-02-27 20:03:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
"White Liberals"? What are you talking about? Last time I checked Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were both pretty dark skinned black men and HELLO I cannot stomach their liberal agenda either.
Irrantional fear and hatred...OK...liberals claim to embrace "diversity" that diversity apparently does not include embracing Christians, the Pro Life movement and unborn babies, straight men and women, persons who value traditional family values and marriage and anyone who believes that terrorists and child molesters/rapists/murderers/repeat offenders should be put to death (but go ahead and take the life of an innocent baby while in the womb)...the entirety of the liberal mindset is "anything goes" so long as that anything is based in immorality, degredation and the demise of decency.
I hope you grow up and realize that liberal=evil
2007-02-27 20:12:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Good question.
Villifying people who hold different beliefs than you comes from sheer ignorance in my opinion. Hatred follows ignorance. Try to be patient and explain things as you did in this question. Maybe you can educate some people...
Good luck.
2007-02-27 20:05:26
answer #6
answered by Dastardly 6
I do not think that they say that liberals have screwed up kids. The main difference in my opinion between liberals and conservatives is that the conservatives want a small govt with a hands off aproach and the liberals want a huge govt with their noses in to every aspect of life. Just my opinion.
2007-02-27 20:05:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Politics makes both parties to oppose each other even when the issue being carried by a party is valid.
2007-02-27 20:02:56
answer #8
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
They are bible thumpers mostly from the south. I'm sorry but they enslaved your ancestors so that they could drink lemonade all day. They are just bitter that the north beat their asses into the ground and took their slaves away and gave them a real life.
2007-02-27 20:03:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I don't care if a liberal is black, white, asian, you name it, their views are totally screwed up by political correctness and it is literally destroying our Country and giving the enemy more power to destroy us.
2007-02-27 20:10:20
answer #10
answered by patrioticpeladac 4