I mean, I have to be honest with myself. After a lot of soul-searching, I guess it's just my personality and nature to be submissive. In my personal life I'm not that assertive or commanding, and like to get people to help me. I can usually do that because I'm pretty and can act very sweet >:)
In the bedroom, I'm definitely submissive. What she wants, I do... and I ENJOY it that way. I like my lover to dictate how things are done... overall in a relationship too, not just sexually.
It's not that I don't have a will of my own, I do. I just love to please and love to acknowledge a stronger personality as being stronger than mine.
Am I weird??? I never thought so! It's just that society tells us 'you have to domineering and assertive and stubborn and forceful,' and that's just not me.
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