I had this dream that my friends
and I were being chased by killers clowns
you could see the evil in their eyes
we were in car at a traffic light and a bunch of adults were waiting next to us.They couldn't see us .The clowns were right behind us
They trapped us in a wooden bathroom
and murdered us in seperate rooms
i woke up before the murdering part
but i remember how creepy it was
that was when i began my phobia of clowns
2007-02-27 07:19:56
answer #1
answered by Inahzi13 5
I think that it is just an expressed fear, I am sure there are just as many afraid of heightrs or closed spaces, but there is more oppertunity to talk aboiut clown fears with friends than some of the others so we think there is a lot of that fear. I can't stand to see a LOT of blood, from a close person but on TV i can watch it no problem. Strage but not well known, until everyone reads this and says that they have the same fear.
2007-02-27 06:48:31
answer #2
answered by shadow10262000 3
Because clowns are strange and offputting. And unnatural. And freakin' creepy. I hate clowns. They give me the wig. Evil stinkin' clowns are the only thing worse than ventriloquist's dummies. Or the big weird characters at Disney Land (no, I don't want my picture taken with %$#@*! Mickey Mouse). Damn clowns....
Josh Bastard is a sick.........bastard.
2007-02-27 06:50:18
answer #3
answered by badkitty1969 7
Because of Stephen King.
2007-02-27 06:48:31
answer #4
answered by bergab_hase 3
I don't know whats wrong with you people... Clowns are the greatest thing since pornography, I love them so much, I can't look at a clown with out laughing, and being happy. Clowns rule. Did you see "IT" as a child? That probably has something to do with it.
2007-02-27 06:47:33
answer #5
answered by Josh Bastard 3
LOL well I don't hate them, they just scare me...
2007-02-27 06:47:56
answer #6
answered by Fatima 5
Because they are freaking wierd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had a problem since I was really small
2007-02-27 06:48:30
answer #7
answered by suzanne w 3