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1. We go to heaven when we die.
2. Bush orchestrated the events of 9/11.
3. Shapeshifting Aliens live among us and feed off of our fear.
4. Aliens live in our blood.
5. We decompose in the ground when we die.
6. Capitalist consumer culture will be the US' demise.
7. Global warming will be the end of humanity.

2007-02-27 06:23:39 · 4 answers · asked by mcgeemcmickle 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

It's a tossup between 2, 5 and 7...

2) It's possible. I mean, that's what he did with the events afterwards, with Terri Schiavo (or at least attempted with both), with the election...then again, he buggered the first two up, and tell me he wasn't just telling other people to do it...I mean, the guy isn't really smart enough to plan something like that...unless his apparent stupidity is all part of the plan...the guy probably has a couple hundred million Iraqi dinars in his closet...

5) You would think this was a given, but not everyone decomposes in the ground when they die...I for one am going to be cremated and put into the ink that goes on money...that way I can travel...

7) Yeah, maybe seven should win after all...with people like Bush in power ("the ice caps aren't melting, they're just getting a little squishy") it is pretty much a sure thing...

2007-02-27 06:34:20 · answer #1 · answered by IamBatman 4 · 0 2

8. none of the above

1. when you die, you die - Jesus will resurrect us later
2. bush is too dumb - maybe cheney did
3. aliens cant shape shift
4. viruses live in our blood
5. some of us will only be dead a few minutes when the Lord returns - but this is the truest statement - this is what happens to everyone except those who die immediately before the rapture
6. immoral and unethical behavior will be our demise
7. no such thing as global warming

2007-02-27 06:30:22 · answer #2 · answered by count_inbeans 3 · 1 1

I think 4-7 are true. The only one that may be in error is 7 we could get hit by a meteor first.

2007-02-27 06:30:05 · answer #3 · answered by Star of Florida 7 · 0 2


2007-02-27 06:39:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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