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My dad has always had problems with his bladder. He constantly keeps getting Urine infections. He has been to the doctor so many times and all they keep doing is giving him different antibiotics. They work and clear it up but then it returns. It's driving him insain! He's in his late 70's.
He already drinks plenty of water daily.
He cant drink Cranberry Juice as he's on Warfarin Tablets.
He seen a specialist and been given numbers of tests and the results always come back that nothing is seriously wrong.

Can anyone please suggest what he can take to prevent or minimise getting these infections?

Also anything he can buy or take to keep them away.

Any ideas please......Herbal or not herbal

2007-02-27 05:45:52 · 6 answers · asked by Mystic Magic 5 in Health Men's Health

Sorry i forgot to mention he already has an enlarged prosphate.

He does have a habit of holding himself but not all the time. His infections normally come back out of the blue when he's all back to normal

2007-02-27 06:23:04 · update #1

6 answers

Start taking acidophiles or kefir, the use of antibiotics, triggers recurrence because of the side effects of antibiotics.
See if Prosperon helps see source...because of his enlarged prostate. Diminish sugar intake and drink a lot of water...use cotton underwear and i would use Oil of Oregano a all natural antibiotic that increases the immune system.

2007-02-27 11:22:07 · answer #1 · answered by Pieternel 3 · 0 1

I thought about this one for a minute and this is all I could come up with. Perhaps your father has an enlarged prostate which would be giving him a feeling of having to go all the time. Perhaps he is then "holding it in" because he knows that he doesn't really need to go. By holding it in he could be causeing the infections. Just a thought. I would have your father go back to the doctor and get a full blood panel done. The uninary infections could be a sign of some other infection in his system. I wish you all the best!

2007-02-27 06:10:58 · answer #2 · answered by Sara G 3 · 0 0

The health food stores sell combination herbal formulas for prostate health. They generally include such herbs as: Saw Palmetto; Pumpkin Seed & the mineral zinc, along with other supplements.
Another excellent thing he can take is "Acidophilus". If he likes yogurt, try buying him a drinkable yogurt called "Kefir".
These things should help him stay infection free.

2007-02-27 07:09:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you ever heard of Himalayan Goji Juice. There saying it is the greatest health discovery in 40 years. To find out more go to www.sharegoji.com


2007-02-27 13:54:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well it sounds like he's covered the gamet on what and what not to do... has he gone to a specialist? or another doctor to get a 2nd opinion?

2007-02-27 06:05:48 · answer #5 · answered by thenakats 4 · 0 0

Maybe a prostate problem

2007-02-27 06:11:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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