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My husband and I became homeless, by losing our apt;, he lost his job;not due to drug or alcohol abuse. We just took things one day at a time. No help either financially or emotionally from any family members. Absolute strangers were kinder. We stayed in homeless shelters, motels. We had to be on General Rellief and Food Stamps until my husband's unemployment kicked in. He eventually got a job, but we couldn't afford to move into an apt(first, last month's rent and security deposit). Now we do have our own place and it is Heaven on Earth. We recently got a car and that is the Cherry on the top.
I would appreciate feed back. Maybe those going through hard times could see it could be worse for them(like being homeless) Thank you...

2007-02-27 05:38:10 · 3 answers · asked by Judith H 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

My family and I went through it too-brings back some horrible memories for me, we had no help either from family or anyone, most wrongly think that people who are homeless are drug addicts or alcoholics which is way wrong. We finally got some help from a relative that I havent seen in years, she told us to move to the city that she lives in that things were better here and she was right. I agree with you that strangers were kinder than family members. I hope that you and your family continue to do well. I completely understand what you went through, because I was there too -5 years ago.

2007-02-27 05:48:33 · answer #1 · answered by Urchin 6 · 1 0

good for you - my hubby and I were also homeless for several years - we first lived in a tent, then got a van, my husband was able to get some work here and there on construction sites, enough to feed us, when he couldn't we turned to the food bank, or we busked, but that rarely brought more than a dollar. I spent every day walking the streets looking for work, any work, and could get none without an address or phone number. Same as you, family refused to help at all, strangers were kind, the poorer and worse their situation, the more they help people - finally we gathered up a bunch of discarded tin and wood and built a little shack in the bush, we got an ax and were able to heat it with a fire. We worked hard, I finally found work, and soon we were able to save 300$, just enough for rent when we found a roommate in the city - as soon as we had a real address and phone #, albeit our roomie's, we were able to get real jobs, now we have our own place, two precious kids, and I'm able to be a stay-at-home mom!
We aren't rich, but we are able to care for our kids, keep a roof over our heads, and we are so grateful. I honestly expected to freeze or starve so many times, it's hard to believe where life can take you with hard work and a lucky break here and there.

2007-02-27 13:51:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I've been on food stamps for most of my life, luckily my family never was quite homeless, well when we were we had friends who let us stay in their place. But we have always managed to have a roof over our heads

Alot of people don't realize that homelessness isn't just something that happens to mentally handicapped or drug addicted people, it affects young families who are struggling just to pay rent. What really bothers me is that some people resent the impoverished because they feel that they are supporting them, and feel that we misuse 'their' money at times.

2007-02-27 13:50:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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