I dreamt that i found this beautiful Piglet inside a pink french fancy, i took her home, built her a fire and read some lines from Romeo and Juliet to her, then ran her a bubble bath, presented her with some bunny rabbit slippers and a basket full of lion bars and then kissed her hand and made her blush.
2007-02-27 06:00:18
answer #1
answered by monkey kyle 2
In one, I dreamed that my cousin ran over a young boy and decapitated him.
In another, I dreamed that I failed a college biology class taught by Carrot Top because I stop going. Carrot Top then proceeded to chastize a group of boys that I went to high school with for playing around too much.
No, I didn' t eat anything strange right before going to bed O.O
2007-02-27 05:36:30
answer #2
answered by 1TrillionGrams 2
it was wierd jim carrey was chasing me wit a katana in blockbuster i didnt understand it at all i was chucking movies at him but he kept on chasing me so i ran out onto the street and he was swingin at me then he got hit by a drunk driving granny!my dreams are weirrrd!
2007-02-27 05:44:16
answer #3
answered by wamzy 2
that i was having sex with joseph ratzinger,yes the current NAZI pope benedict 16th.. (he WAS once a member of hitler's youth)
2007-02-27 06:01:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i dreamt i had a hole in my tooth it was horrible woke up paranoid kept feeling my teeth with my tongue all day
2007-02-27 08:13:55
answer #5
answered by Mrs.H 5
That my testicles were on fire and there was no water to put them in.
2007-02-27 05:35:41
answer #6
answered by Seoul Brother 3
oink oink
2007-02-27 05:35:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous