Unfortunately, the answer appears to be yes. Otherwise, why would they go on doing it? It seems they believe by blowing themselves to bits along with anyone they deem to be an enemy of Islam, whether a non-Muslim or another Muslim who disagrees with them, they will go straight to paradise. The only reason that could happen is because they are doing God's work. So, logically they must believe that murdering children is indeed God's work.
2007-02-27 04:29:00
answer #1
answered by Elizabeth Howard 6
I really don't think that "blowing up children" is "God's work". It would be Allah (or something like that), and they believe they are JUST doing Allah's will. That there are casualities, sure, but their cause goes beyond a child dying. It is for a greater good. I don't agree with it, but this is their stance. Their belief.
2007-02-27 12:27:42
answer #2
answered by dry2th 2
On my own, I'm examining how people know whether they're acting in a good or moral way.
It turns out that even if humans have a genetic predisposition for kindness, that can still be erased by the affect of society or their own parents. So yes, these people do indeed feel "good" when they commit these atrocities.
2007-02-27 12:22:06
answer #3
answered by moroshek 2
Perhaps the same question can be levelled against the 'non-extremist' americans who are using white phosphorous and other chemical weapons against the innocent Iraqi citizens including children as some honest american soldiers have confessed.
2007-02-27 12:28:25
answer #4
answered by Sweetpea 2
Its a form of brainwashing. Not all muslims believe this. Common sense will tell you that religion promotes peace over killing anytime time.
2007-02-27 12:23:20
answer #5
answered by tsmalls5 3