be careful what you wish for. What if the suicide bomber's attempt on Cheney really would have done more than it did? YOu should be so ashamed for being so mean spirited to wish anything bad like that.
14 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
Where on earth in this question do you read that I believe Americans are the only ones on this earth?? Twisted once again by a luser liberal!!
03:31:34 ·
update #1
Mispelled on purpose dude. I know how this Y answers works!
03:36:30 ·
update #2
Sorry they are sincere humanists that respect all life,oppose the death penalty (except children in their mothers wombs) and cried for Sadaam Hussein while they call for the for trials and executions of Bush and Cheney!
They gloat at any bad news from Iraq (usually death of our soldiers) while complaining that they are viewed as un-patriotic.
They believe along with the international left that we are the worst nation on the face of the earth yet are surprised when we call them traitors.
It's obvious that they are mean spirited ,but thats why they are leftists.
2007-02-27 03:30:43
answer #1
answered by pepe32 2
I just wish both of them a long retired life on a ranch somewhere in Texas with a wall about 40 ft high around them so they can't get out to cause any more havoc among the American people. Thats all I wish for them. Oh, we will toss them some Military C-Rations about once a month so Dick can keep his rolly polly figure. We can't allow him to have a shotgun, you know what happens when he gets a gun in his hands. POW, there goes Bush.
2007-02-27 11:51:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
how does calling people a "luser" and chastising people aid in bringing this nation together? be part of the solution, not the problem
2007-02-27 11:35:37
answer #3
answered by pip 7
Liberals are NOT rejoicing at this. But mark my words, it will be the Neocons using this attempt to trump up support for more military intervention.
2007-02-27 12:00:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My dear, the heartless cowards are the ones who keep sending more troops in order to fatten the wallets of Bush and Cheney, and who wishes anything bad would happen to them?
"Vengeance is mine" sayeth the Lord!
They will both have to face their maker one day.
They won't have you to call people names in order to protect them.
2007-02-27 11:30:14
answer #5
answered by Brotherhood 7
That's telling them CO blonde I bet they wear lace on their Drawers.
2007-02-27 22:02:20
answer #6
answered by Auburn 5
Not on your life. I wish them nothing but an eye for an eye. They have sent American and more importantly innocent Iraqi civilians to their death. I hate the fact that they are trying to influence a people that don't want our form of society. Its sick sad and despicable.
You should be ashamed of yourself for believing that Americans are the only people on this planet.
2007-02-27 11:29:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I will watch you respond in kind to your OWN party who calls all dems terrorists and warns people that a vote for democrats means the terrorists will come and kill your family. Also that homeless people be killed and anyone on welfare should rot in the streets. yes, I have received those comments,and it would be a shame if you never paid attention to any of those responses.
2007-02-27 11:30:18
answer #8
answered by hichefheidi 6
Their machinations have caused the deaths of countless people and many people hate them. so while they may deserve death, yes, resignation would be fine, but they are not going to so we'll just have to impeach them
2007-02-27 11:31:46
answer #9
answered by squeegie 3
I actually wanted Air Force One to drop out the sky.
2007-02-27 11:26:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous