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but if you think about it theres relatively few of these if im wrong what are these?

2007-02-27 03:14:04 · 32 answers · asked by fiddich59 2 in Politics & Government Politics

32 answers

this is what they are refering to

1947FranceElection Finance;
Economic CoersionCommunismWanted pro-USA government and French recolonisation of Vietnam.
1947ItalyElection Finance;
Economic CoersionCommunismWanted pro-USA and pro-business government.
1947GreeceMilitary BackingCommunismWanted pro-USA government and military bases.
1947PhilippinesElection FinanceNoneMilitary bases.
1948PeruMilitary BackingNoneControl of government.
1948VietnamMilitary BackingCommunismSupport for French recolonisation. Fear of independent Vietnam.
1948NicaraguaMilitary BackingNonePro-USA government and access to plantations.
1949ChinaArms Sales;
BombingCommunismAccess to a pro-USA and pro-business government.
1950ColombiaFood AidHumanitarianDestruction of an agricultural rival.
1950KoreaKilling CiviliansNoneUnknown.
1950Puerto RicoMilitary ActionNoneTo crush independence movement.
1953PhilippinesElection FinanceNoneWanted pro-USA government and military bases.
1954VietnamMilitary BackingCommunismFear of united and powerful independent country.
1955EuropeElection FinanceNoneWanted united pro-USA, pro-NATO and anti-socialist Europe.
1956EgyptSanctionsCommunismCountry took ownership of its Suez Canal and opposed USA Middle East policy.
1957JordanMilitary TrainingNoneWanted strong pro-USA government.
1958LebanonMilitary ActionNoneRemoval of anti-West dissidents.
1958IndonesiaElection FinanceNoneGovernment is against USA business interests.
1958JapanElection FinanceNoneTo keep pro-USA governments in power.
1959HaitiMilitary ActionNoneTo crush rebellion against pro-USA government.
1959NepalCovert ActionNoneTo help pro-USA government win power.
1960CongoAssassinationNoneWanted to remove popular and nationalist leader; access to minerals.
1960CubaTrade EmbargoCommunismCountry using its resources for its own people.
1960IraqDestabilisationNoneLeader founds and supports OPEC.
1961CubaSecret InvasionNoneCountry using its resources for its own people.
1961Dominican RepublicAssassinationNoneUnknown.
1962VietnamMilitary ActionCommunismCountry wanted unity and independence.
1962CubaEconomic SabotageNoneCountry using its resources for its own people.
1962BrazilElection FinanceNoneWanted pro-business government.
1962Dominican RepublicPolitical CoersionNoneUnknown.
IntelligenceCommunismPrevious government against USA oil interests; removal of dissidents.
1963El SalvadorAdvisorsCommunismRemoval of anti-USA dissidents.
1964North VietnamBombingNoneRemoval of independent government.
1964South VietnamTorture TrainingCommunismSuppression of independence movements.
1964PanamaMilitary ActionLaw and OrderSuppression of movement demanding return of canal.
1965VietnamMilitary ActionCommunismTo keep the country from uniting.
1965Dominican RepublicInterventionCommunismTo keep elected leader from returning to power.
1965IndonesiaIntelligenceCommunismRemoval of dissidents. Helping a pro-business regime.
BombingCommunismDenial of support for Vietnam.
1965ThailandMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-USA government; military bases.
1965PeruMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-USA government.
1966VietnamVillage Clearing;
BombingCommunismPolitical control of the country.
1966LaosBombingNoneDenial of support for Vietnam.
1966Central AfricaFinanceNoneAccess to uranium.
1966BoliviaElection FinanceNoneAccess to minerals and oil.
1967VietnamMilitary ActionCommunismPolitical control of the country.
1967CubaAssassinationNoneRemoval of popular leader.
1968VietnamVillage Clearing;
BombingCommunismPolitical control of country.
1969CambodiaSecret BombingNoneDenial of support for Vietnam.
1969VietnamMilitary ActionCommunismPolitical control of country.
1970North VietnamBombingNoneControl of country.
1970UruguayTorture TrainingNoneTo keep opposition from taking power.
1970OmanMilitary AssistanceNoneUnknown.
1971LaosInvasionNoneControl of country.
1971VietnamMilitary ActionNoneControl of country.
1972North VietnamBlockade;
BombingNoneControl of country.
1972NicaraguaTroopsBusiness interestsSupport for business and pro-USA government.
1972AustraliaElection FinanceNoneDid not like Labour Party foreign policy.
1972IraqAid to KurdsHumanitarianTo destabilise Iraq as it had a quarrel with USA ally, Iran.
1973CambodiaBombingNoneControl of country.
1974VietnamTrade EmbargoCommunismThe Vietnamese were winning against the USA.
1974ZaireMilitary AidNoneControl of resources.
1974PortugalElection FinanceNoneDid not want socialist government to take power.
1975VietnamEconomic AttackCommunismTo stop country developing as a model for the region.
1975East TimorSupport of InvasionNoneDid not want a new independent state; oil.
1975IraqChange of SupportNoneKurdish rebels no longer of use.
1975MoroccoSupport of InvasionNoneMorocco grants use of military bases in return.
1976IndonesiaMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-USA government.
1976PhilippinesMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-USA government.
1977PakistanMilitary AidNoneSupport for unelected pro-USA government.
1977EgyptEconomic CoersionNoneTo remove Egypt from the anti-Israel camp.
1977ZaireMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-USA government.
1977IndonesiaMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-USA government.
1978GuatemalaMilitary Aid;
Economic AidNoneSupport for unelected pro-USA government.
1979IranHabouring DictatorNoneNew government wants control of its resources, especially oil.
1979Central AfricaEconomic AidNoneSupport for pro-business government.
1979AfghanistanMilitary AidRepel USSRTo repel USSR and break their economy.
1979CambodiaAid to Khmer RougeNoneTo please new ally China; to antagonise Vietnam.
1979VietnamEconomic BlockadeCommunismTo stop country developing as a model for the region.
1979YemenMilitary AidNoneTo please ally, Saudi Arabia.
1980El SalvadorMilitary AidCommunismStop opposition to pro-USA government.
1980HondurasTroopsCommunismProtect resources and create anti-Nicaragua bases.
1980IraqMilitary AidIslamic IranWanted to destabilise new anti-USA government of Iran.
1980CambodiaMilitary AidNoneTo destabilise Vietnamese backed government and to please new ally, China.
1980ItalyTerrorismNoneTo discredit socialist election candidates and to heighten fear of the USSR.
1980South KoreaMilitary Aid;
Political SupportNoneSuppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1981TanzaniaEconomic CoersionCommunismWanted the country to change its economy to suit USA companies.
1981El SalvadorMilitary AidCommunismStop opposition to pro-USA government.
1981LibyaProvocationTerrorismTo destabilise an anti-West government.
1981Indo-ChinaEconomic CoersionCommunismTo stop the independent development of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
1982LebanonTroopsHumanitarianTo help Israel remove Palestinians.
1982GuatemalaMilitary AidNoneTo suppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1982South AfricaFinancial AidTerrorismTo help South Africa destabilise the region.
1982AfghanistanMilitary AidCommunismTo replace USSR backed government by the USA backed government.
1982IraqMilitary AidIslamic IranTo support Iraq's war against the anti-USA government of Iran.
BombingPeace KeepingTo ensure pro-USA factions won the civil war.
Arming RebelsCommunismTo replace government with pro-USA regime.
1983ZimbabweEconomic CoersionNoneGovernment had too independent foreign policy.
1984MozambiqueEconomic CoersionCommunismTo stop support for democracy in South Africa.
1985LebanonCar BombAssassinationTo remove anti-Israel and anti-USA dissidents.
1985New ZealandEconomic CoersionNoneCountry backed nuclear free Pacific.
1985ChadMilitary Aid;
Financial AidNoneSupport for non-elected pro-USA regime.
1985HondurasMilitary Aid;
TrainingCommunismTo destabilise elected government of Nicaragua.
1986NicaraguaMilitary AidCommunismTo destabilise elected government.
1986LibyaBombingTerrorismTo destabilise the country.
1987IranProvocationTerrorismTo destabilise the country.
1988IranProvocationTerrorismTo destabilise the country.
1988IraqMilitary AidIslamic IranSupport for Iraq in its war against Iran.
1988ColombiaMilitary AidDrugsSupport for pro-USA government.
1988El SalvadorMilitary AidCommunismSupport for pro-USA government.
1988TurkeyMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-USA government.
1989El SalvadorMilitary AidCommunismSupport for pro-USA government.
Diplomatic ViolationDrugsTo ensure control over the Panama Canal.
1989CambodiaMilitary AidNoneTo destabilise Vietnamese backed government and to please China.
1989LibyaProvocationTerrorismTo destabilise the country because it is anti-USA and pro-Palestinian.
1990NicaraguaElection FinanceCommunismTo ensure that a pro-USA government was elected.
1990El SalvadorMilitary TrainingCommunismSupport of the pro-USA government.
1990GuatemalaMilitary AidCommunismSupport for the pro-USA government.
1990BulgariaElection FinanceCommunismDid not want a socialist government in power.
1990GermanyDocument TheftNoneUnknown.
UN Violation;
SanctionsFree KuwaitTo ensure that Iraq became less powerful.
1991PhilippinesDisinformationNoneMilitary bases.
1992SomaliaInvasionHumanitarianTo ensure that a pro-West government took control.
1992ColombiaMilitary AidDrugsTo remove anti-USA elements.
1992AlbaniaElection FinanceCommunismDid not want a socialist government in power.
1992AngolaMilitary AidCommunismWanted access to oil and diamonds.
1993IraqBombingUN ViolationsTo ensure that Iraq does not flood the oil market, lowering the price.
1993CubaTrade EmbargoCommunismCountry using its resources for its own people.
Document TheftDemocracyTo ensure that a pro-west government is elected.
1994JordanFinancial AidHumanitarianTo obtain agreement with Israel's view that Palestinian refugees do not have a right of return.
1994ColombiaMilitary AidDrug TraffickingTo suppress opposition to pro-USA government.
1995TurkeyMilitary AidNoneTo keep a pro-USA government happy while it attacks Kurds.
BombingUN ViolationsTo ensure that Iraq does not flood the oil market, lowering the price.
1995MexicoMilitary AidDrug TraffickingTo crush opposition to USA business interests.
1995IranSanctionsTerrorismCountry using its resources for its own people.
BombingUN ViolationsTo keep the country weak and to destabilise the government.
1996MongoliaElection FinanceCommunismTo help elect a pro-USA government that would allow electronic monitoring of China.
1997RwandaMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-West government.
1997IraqSanctionsUN ViolationsTo replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
1998AfghanistanBombingTerrorismTo destroy terror camps built by the USA to fight the USSR and now suspected of being used against the USA.
BombingUN ViolationsTo replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
1998TurkeyMilitary AidNoneSupport for pro-USA NATO country.
1998GuatemalaMilitary AidNoneSuppression of opposition to pro-USA government.
1998South KoreaFood AidHumanitarianTo make the country dependent on USA produced food.
1999YugoslaviaBombingHumanitarianEuropean business interests.
1999IraqBombingUN ViolationsTo destabilise independent Arab regime.
1999GuatemalaMilitary AidNoneSuppression of opposition to pro-USA government.
2000IsraelMilitary Aid;
Economic Aid;
Political SupportTerrorismSupport for a strongly pro-West country in the Middle East.
2000KyrgyzstanFinancial AidHumanitarianTo gain influence in oil rich Central Asia.
2001ColombiaMilitary AidDrug TraffickingTo protect USA oil companies from dissidents.
2001ChinaProvocationCommunismTo obtain secrets and intimidate independent country.
2001IsraelMilitary Aid;
Economic Aid;
Political SupportTerrorismSupport for a strongly pro-West country in the Middle East.
BombingUN ViolationsTo replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
InvasionTerrorismTo replace the government with one that is more pro-West.
InvasionTerrorismTo gain influence and control over oil rich Central Asia.
2002AngolaIntelligenceTerrorismTo remove their no longer needed former client.
WeaponsTo gain control of oil rich country and impose a government friendly to the USA.
Support of InvasionTerrorismTo install a pro-USA government.

2007-02-27 03:16:51 · answer #1 · answered by vibrance0404 3 · 13 4

i fiddich59,
Do you know, I find this whole thing very strange. There are so many sweeping statements. How can anyone say, they don't like Americans, as though Americans are one voice.
It surely doesn't make sense to me.

When we vote a Prime Minister or a President in, along with all the new policies that are put into place; the people of that country then become almost helpless, powerless, if you like, to do anything about the decisions that are made.
Quite often a politician out of power is different from the one who gets in, when elected.

What I am saying is, how can any of us know what events are going happen, what serious issues, the government, or senate will make on our behalf.

You can't blame all the people of that country for voting someone in, when they did it in good faith. Things have a way of turning up, and we can only sit back and watch. We can scream and shout, but who is listening?

We have to wait until we get the chance to vote again, before we speak with the ballot box, even then, will we get it right?

So I for one do not hold everyone in the USA responsible for the actions of those in power in their country...

Also, we in the UK are not squeaky clean.
Politicians are human, so they won't always get it right.

2007-02-27 03:50:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Our foreign policy is much akin to a bull in a china shop. The criticisms aren't restricted to major military actions, and in fact are mostly over economic affairs. But Islamic fundamentalists would be unhappy with us under any circumstances because we do such a fine job of exporting parts (and not the best parts) of our culture, though this, too, is largely economic. I myself don't care to be assailed by the urban contemporary music pounding me from a car a hundred feet away, so I can understand their view to a degree.

2007-02-27 04:27:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I cannot forgive the massacres of the Indians and destruction of their way of life, as well as the land robbery etc. And that's before even looking abroad ! Also the sickening way the country's political system runs and the arrogant assumption that all should follow U.S. ideals? The USA is just a mixed up godless colonised disaster basically, the entrails of which are the likes of Bush and his twisted, dangerous psyche !

2007-02-27 04:42:54 · answer #4 · answered by Thom Jo D 1 · 0 1

The main thing that most people see is the two faced talk Americans have. Most Americans don't know they do it because they are under educated. They are only educated enough to make good consumers and possibly tradesmen.

Americans vote into power Fabian socialist imperials from both parties, and then spout Freedom and democracy with the vigor and ignorance of an 8 year old playing king of the hill.

what pisses people off is that with all that freedom, Americans choose to vote into power imperialist who will take power away from the whole world.

It's so very sad, yet so very funny at the same time. to watch democrats and republicans fight over non issues while they rob you blind of your freedoms.

I don't hate Americans I pity them.

Good luck and God Bless

2007-02-27 03:46:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I have read many answers in yahoo, however, the answer by Vibrance is up there amongst my top 5; Excellent!!

Fivetoze succinctly describes the majority of anti-american sentiment found here in yahoo answers.

I would simply add; that as much as I despise the American foreign policy of global meddling, loss of life and for all those robbed of the opportunity to be born, I wouldn’t p!ss on any American government even if they were burning.

2007-02-27 09:09:13 · answer #6 · answered by Devil's Advocate 3 · 0 1

There are US troops stationed in a very large number of countries, and the US operates covertly in a good few, sometimes supporting regimes which are very unpleasant, such as Pinochet in Chile.

US policy often seems misguided, or guided by ignorance. For instance, it seems peculiar just how little the US understood Iraq and Iraqi society prior to launching their ill-starred invasion.

2007-02-27 03:26:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Thanks Selteeb,We are all Related,weather we like it or not.There is Only 1 Species of human being.Dr. Spencer Wells,Geneticist.

We all have inbreds,morons and un-educated people around us.I'm sorry to you all, that one made it to the white house,I never voted for him or his father.But,I as you suffer too.I'm not a war monger,I would like to see the world with more Freedom,like we Used to have.But,if you ever attack us for some Religious Freak ideology,I will be more then Happy to see you ground to dust.Your existence just a forgotten lineage of man.Just a common American,with a common thought.

2007-02-27 05:18:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Vibrance makes his point brilliantly. For me it's just the fact that I'm sick and fed up of hearing US politicians preaching about freedom, human rights and democracy when in my lifetime they practiced apartheid (yes, I can remember the 60s all too well) and they are currently responsible for the viciously unjustifiable horror which is Guantanamo Bay.

2007-02-27 03:29:21 · answer #9 · answered by wild edric 1 · 2 0

Jealousy, and it is human nature to covet what you can not have. No other country in the world can claim to be as great as the USA even considering all of its faults. This is what sends people seething with anger not because of anything the USA has done to any country or anyone. Just look at all of the answers, they are filled with hate, opinions and envy not factual criticism like you asked for.
This quote may help you.

Although I am an Australian, one thing that really annoys me is the constant refrain among non-Americans to the effect that Americans are stupid. How did a stupid people get to be one of the most prosperous on earth? How did a stupid people get to be the world's only superpower? How did a stupid people avoid ever having their cities bombed flat? How did a stupid people produce military equipment so advanced that no-one else can hope to match it? The Iraqi army put up a tenacious fight against the Iranian army but it just went home when a much smaller American military force arrived. How did a stupid people come to dominate the world with its cultural products? Ever heard of Hollywood or American popular music? And even Italians now make "Western" movies. How did a stupid people get to dominate the world with its products and business systems? Ever heard of Coca Cola, McDonald's or KFC? How did America get to dominate the world with its intellectual products? Ever heard of Microsoft or IBM or Intel or all the American Nobel prize-winners? How did a stupid people get to integrate successfully within their ranks large numbers of people from every country in Europe? South America and North America are both large continents well-endowed with natural resouces so how come there is no South American equivalent of the USA? How come prosperity stops at the U.S.-Mexico border? And how come it is Europe that invented both Communism and Fascism and that it was America that had to rescue them from both?

The truth is that Americans are a very wise and sophisticated people who very often affect a folksy style -- such as the style we see the high-achieving President George W. Bush or in the incredibly high-achieving investor Warren Buffett. But the REALLY stupid people are those who cannot see past the folksy style to the hard-working, dedicated, careful-thinking people beneath it. Only people as stupid as most Europeans could mistake style for substance. Really smart people would try to understand Americans rather than condemn them for having their own ways. They would see the folksiness as a sign of a less elitist and more democratic society rather than as a sign of stupidity.

And it is not only Americans who affect folksiness. Australia's most popular Prime Minister in the last 50 years was "Bob" Hawke -- a conservative in most ways but the leader of Australia's major party of the Left. Although he was so thoroughly bourgeois as to be the son of a Protestant clergyman and brilliant enough win a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford university, he normally spoke during his political career with a broad working-class accent. He certainly wasn't stupid but Australia too is a very egalitarian country where people of all classes are treated with respect."

Quote taken from http://dissectleft.blogspot.com/2004_01_...
Author John Ray

2007-02-27 05:25:17 · answer #10 · answered by Ponca 3 · 0 1

If I was a foreigner looking out over the ocean at America, I'd see and out of control Hollywood, bald headed Brittanies, bigger funerals for skanky whores on heroin than for presidents, a treasonous press, a congress full of leftist cowards and would have to wonder if I had any use for the United States.

Just saying...

2007-02-27 03:25:58 · answer #11 · answered by Curt 4 · 0 1

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