If you're interested in working from home, have you considered a career in network marketing. Far from the 'knock on door...please buy my cleaning product' that people believe it to be, the most successful people simply get on well with others. If you'd like a free DVD that explains the home business I've been in for over three years, just drop me a line at cheaper_bills@yahoo.co.uk
Regards, and good luck,
John Galvin.
2007-02-27 02:56:38
answer #1
answered by cheaper_bills 3
most "job' you get from home will be as an independent contractor.
there are a few companies out there who use'hourly' people to answer phone but you need high speed inet connections and second independent phone lines you pay for. these postions will be worked around their hours during training not yours.
if you are looking for home based businesses
suggest you visit the library and do some home work.
remember wether a job or a business both cost money- one up front , the other in the end.
2007-02-27 03:07:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Cooking, cleaning, washing up, mending sore knees, ironing, walking the dog, putting the dustbin out etc:etc:
That is the only homework which will not end up costing you money.
However, you could contact the sex chat lines and volunteer to be one of those who answer the phone from home. Believe me thousands of people do it.
The question now is, despite being 36 stone and looking like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards, can you wake up to a phone call at 3:30 in the mornings and speak with a sexy voive?
2007-02-27 03:17:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have been searching for work-at-home opportunities for a long time. And I found 3 works you can make money at home without start-up cost. Details about them you can see by clicking each link.
2. ChaCha Guide:
3. CashFiesta:
If you have any question you can send me a message by clicking my avatar but maybe all your questions can be answered on the websites above, I think.
Good luck!
2007-03-02 07:28:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, if you like what you see and what you do here in Yahoo! Answers, then might as well do it and get paid for it.
I joined two days ago and have already made some money! And once you join- you can get others to join as well and make money of off them and whoever they refer and so on!
It's the same thing you do here in this sight, the only difference is that there, you get paid for it! You can be doing this and try other things as well.
Use my referral link below to join and much luck to you!
2007-02-27 03:14:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What I used to do while in High School was putting adverts up at colleges and offering to type assignments for students, the students used to bring me a handwritten copy of their assignment and I would type it out on the computer, lay it out neatly and print it for them. I charged R5 a page (US$0.75). It takes a little effort on your part (finding people that need work done).
A friend of mine used to bake cakes and stuff for childrens birthday parties.
Just some ideas.
2007-02-27 03:03:51
answer #6
answered by Ashleigh L 3
Hi – I sell on eBay. It works for me. I profit about $3,500 a month and only work about 6 hours a day, from home, on the schedule I choose. eBay is fun, easy, and profitable. You are your own boss.
Please email me directly and I will be glad to share some tips on getting started.
Hope to hear from you!
2007-02-28 01:26:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
As you're probably aware I restricted as to the information I can give due to this websites conditions of use. However I can be very specific about the opportunity I can offer you, when you email me on flp4life@yahoo.co.uk
best wishes and good luck
2007-02-27 05:30:36
answer #8
answered by deekster 2
Child care, ironing for starters. Try putting an ad in your local press, with your qualifications, abilities. Might be just what someone is looking for. If you're in the UK, try www.sliversoftime.com.
2007-02-27 02:56:22
answer #9
answered by jet-set 7
Sell mirco fiber towels.
Buy them in Bulk for less than $2.50 ea and resell for $5 or $6 ea
We package ours 2 per package and sell for $10...
---(You can sell more for less effort this way.)
2007-03-02 23:31:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous