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We've been dating for years and now the time is here. He's in the process of buying my engagement ring, but he hasn't talked to me about converting for him. He has cracked jokes such as: I'm more Jewish than he is (bc I'm good w/$), and randomly he'll say "we'll have to talk to the rabbi about getting you converted."

Neither of us believe in God, but he has said that he'd like his kids to be raised in the Jewish culture (reconstructionist).

Does he just expect me to convert? Not expecting me to convert? Shouldn't he have addressed this issue before ring shopping?

I grew up frequenting Baptist churches.

2007-02-26 21:16:15 · 2 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

Take a pause and think ....

We don't know your boyfriend, so it pointless asking Yahoo! users. Just be sensible and discuss it with him.

2007-03-01 11:48:31 · answer #1 · answered by ♫ Rum Rhythms ♫ 7 · 0 0

It is common for the one thing for Jews to hold on to, no matter how irreligous they are, that they only marry Jews.

It seems he doesn't want to let go of this but is having a hard time asking you to convert because he realizes how odd it is that this means something to him while he doesn't do anything about his Judaism. You are right that he should have brought this up before but as you can see it is a very touchy issue. I would recommend you bringing it up and expressing your views on the matter. Maybe you should think about how you actually feel being Jewish and what it means to actually convert.
I should note that many people even reform, etc. get Orthodox conversions since it would be acceptable by all Jewish parties.

2007-03-02 14:06:22 · answer #2 · answered by Scane 3 · 0 0

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