(1) It is a fundamental right written into their constitution - the right to bear arms. No would dear try to get that taken out, NRA too powerful and lots of people would riot. Popularity partially depends on the perceived coolness of guns as created by Hollywood
(2) Needing guns isn't the reason they have them - it is because it is perfectly legal so why not? It can be seen as protection of family and property. If speeding was legal would you speed? why? Cause you can. Some people just enjoy shooting
(3) It is not as easy as you may think - background check, waiting period, etc. Pawn stores, gun range, Kmart used to have
(4) Of course there are restrictions on things like age however the owner could let his son fire it - go hunting, etc. Certain weapons require special permits
(5) From what I have seen here, having been to a gun range and fired a few myself, Americans view guns as perfectly acceptable in society and a means to defend your own if needs be
(6) Very affordable - It's the bullets and firing range time that add up
(7) Over 50% of American households own atleast 1 gun.
Conclusive evidence has yet to show that tougher gun laws reduce violence, in fact, more studies show the opposite in cities with tougher laws.
The problem in my opinion is that it is too easy to get ILLEGAL guns so the criminals are at an advantage if LEGAL guns become scarce and the criminals KNOW they have that advantage and use it. You have to curtail the illegal weapons as well - but with so many guns already out there, how would you make them all disappear - you can't they would go underground just like anything that gets banned after enjoying mass popularity
2007-02-26 16:45:45
answer #1
answered by David M 3
You ask a lot of questions. I'll answer the ones I have direct knowledge on:
1) why are guns so popular and widespread in the USA?
Most statistics place houshold gun ownership at right around 33%. I'm not sure that this would be considered "widespread" as you state.
Realize first that a large percentage of firearms owned in the US are hunting and sport rifles. Most of these are used exclusively for hunting, skeet shooting and target shooting. Marksmanship is a skill and many find satisfaction in developing that skill just like other people might practice martial arts, painting, and woodworking etc.
2) Why do they need guns?
As stated above, the majority of firearms are owned for hunting and sport. Enough said there.
Many people also feel the need to own a weapon to defend thier household. This is ironic considering the crime rate in the US is lower than most industrialized nations.
World Top 10 - Countries With Highest Reported Crime Rates
(see link below)
1. Iceland
2. Sweden
3. New Zealand
4. Grenada
5. Norway
6. England & Wales
7. Denmark
8. Finland
9. Scotland
Interesting that many counties with the highest crime rates also have the strictest gun laws. Maybe someone is less likely to rob a house if theres a colt .45 inside of it.
Another reason Americans choose to own guns is because our constitution permits them to. That said, the second ammendment ensures that the government cannot turn on its citizens, that you can defend youself if necessary, and that an invading nation would have to deal not only with the military but many armed civilians.
3) how easy is it to buy a gun?
This varies for state to state. All require a 5-day waiting period and fingerprinting. There are also limits on the type of firearm you can purchase. For example, a typical person cannot own an automatic weapon (machine gun) and in some states assault rifles are also banned. You must also be 18 to purchase a firearm. Convicted criminals cannot legally own guns.
In order to sell guns, the store must have a Federal Firearm License. These are not easy to get and require strict record keeping that is reported to the government.
So yes, with limitations, and adult can go into a gun store and buy a gun.
4) license and restrictions
see above
5) not sure what you are asking
6) statistics
Well, the US has a relatively low crime rate compared to similiar nations. However, there are more gun related crimes in the US than other nations. Suicide rates in the US are similair to other nations; however, of those suicides, more involve firearms.
Oubviously there are advantages to gun rights and disadvantages. Most gun owners are responsable. Generally, data suggests that when a government outlaws guns, criminals still use them and citizens cannot defend themselves. Look at the crime rate in Denmark, Sweden and Iceland.
2007-02-27 00:57:46
answer #2
answered by Kilroy 4
Be a challenge just to keep this short. . .
The private ownership of weapons adds to its security. An old saying here is, "an armed society is a polite society". States that allow concealed carry have less violent crime then states that do not permit it.
To answer your other questions:
1. This country was founded by armed citizens. A weapon at the side of pioneers kept them safe from both human and animal predators.
2. Most own guns for simple self protection, others are hunters, and some are collectors.
3. The ease to purchase a weapon depends on which state you live in. I live in Wyoming which imposes no barriers other than the federal ones, i.e., a instant background check. A friend of mine lives in New York. For him to purchase a gun he has to jump through a number of state imposed hoops. There are gun stores in every state, it is legal to buy a gun there. I also purchase guns over the internet. There are legal requirements I have to meet to get the gun sent to me, i.e., it must be sent to a Federal Firearms License holder (gun store).
4. In Wyoming, no license is needed to buy a gun, in other states a license is required. There is an age restriction, you must be a legal adult to purchase a firearm or ammo.
5. There is an on going conterversy about gun ownership in this country. There are some who claim that simpy owning a gun can make you a violent criminal at some time. I, and many others, believe that is just crap. I've owned guns all my life; I've never committed a violent crime and don't plan to.
5. The price range of guns can range from dirt cheap to very expensive. A new Hi-Point 9mm semiauto will cost you $150.00, very affordable. Some of the custom .45 autos will set you back $3,000.00. Some of the highly collectable firearms can run into the tens of thousands of dollars.
5. Statistical data can be found to back up any gun arguement you want. Just type in "anti gun statistics" into your search engine and you will get all kinds of left wing propaganda supporting gun control. Type in "NRA" or "pro gun statistics" and you will get, what I consider, the truth.
Hope this helps
2007-02-27 00:57:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The most dangerous cities in the US are New York and Washington DC. The two cities with the toughest gun control laws are New York and Washington DC. See any correlation?
Guns are sold legally in stores, guns shows and through private sales. No licence is required to purchase a gun in most states. Age restrictions are 18 years old for rifles and shotguns and 21 years old for handguns. A licence is required in most states to carry a concealed handgun. Interestingly, those states which allow the most concealed handguns have the lowest violent crime rate. Armed citizens tend less likely to be victims.
I recently bought a 9mm pistol for $117. Some of my guns are worth in excess of $1,000. The .45 ACP I usually carry is worth around $800. Some guns are very affordable, some are not. You usually get what you pay for. My daughter has asked for a $900 semi auto 1911 for her college graduation present. She’ll get it.
Firearms are not dangerous, people are dangerous. People with knifes can be deadly also. I have used a gun to protect myself and if I have to again, I will. I pray I will never have to harm another human, but I will defend myself, my family and my property. The police can’t be everywhere at once. Sometimes we have to defend ourselves. That simple.
Do I ‘need’ all the guns I have? No more than someone else ‘needs’ their sailboat or their 50 inch flat screen television. I like to target shoot. It relaxes me. It takes a steady hand, breathing control, trigger control and a lot of concentration to hit a target 300 yards away. Hitting a target at 35 yards with a handgun is no easy task either.
I don’t know which country you live in, it really doesn’t matter. I would ask myself why my government fears a citizen who can defend himself. You should fear those who want to leave you defenseless.
2007-02-27 01:37:11
answer #4
answered by ROYCE S 2
Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens makes us more secure. Criminals with illegally obtained guns contribute to violence.
Gun laws differ WIDELY from state to state. I just moved from NJ to TX. In NJ you have to prove you are not a criminal by submitting fingerprints and having the police do a criminal background check on you. You can't be an alcoholic or drug addict, a wife beater, a subversive, a mental patient, a felon. Once you meet all these qualiications you are issued a Firearms ID card which entitles you to purchase a long gun (rifle or shotgun). To purchase a hand gun, you must go to the chief of police in your town and apply for a permit to purchase a handgun. The chief will check out your FID card and check your references, interview your spouse, etc. Then he will issue a permit to purchase a handgun.
If you want to carry a concealed handgun--'fageddaboudit'. You need the permission of your local judge--you're not likely to get it. In NJ a law abiding citizen is at the mercy of illegal gun thugs. If an intruder breaks into your house and threatens you with a gun the only defense you have is 911. Bang. You're dead.
Now that I am a Texan, I carry a gun wherever I go. I hope I never have to use it. I have a fire extinguisher in my house. I hope I never have to use it either. Any law abiding citizen of age can go to their local sporting goods store or Walmart and buy a gun by showing their driver's license and submitting to the National Instant Check system. Handguns included.
To get a permit to carry a concealed weapon, I had to take an 8 hour course at my local community college and demonstrate safety and proficiency with a handgun at my local gun range. Concealed weapons are allowed just about everywhere except, schools, courtrooms, bars, and racetracks. A would be criminal cannot automatically assume that his intended victim is not armed which is a great crime deterrent.
There is no registration of guns (except in NYC and LA). The scenes from tv and movies where the detective traces a gun back to its owner through the serial number is pure fiction.
Anyone can afford a legal gun. A good dependable shotgun to defend you home is available for less than $250. A whole box of 25 shotgun shells is about $6.
The handgun that I carry was $279. A box of 20 cartridges was about $12. They can be purchased from any Federal Firearms Licensed dealer found at gun shops, sporting goods stores like Academy Sports, Bass Pro shops, Walmart, Kmart, Sears, Sports Authority, and your local pawn shop. I have also purchased firearms over the internet from Gunsamerica.com, Gunbroker.com or Galleryofguns.com.
The best souce of good information about guns in general is listed below.
2007-02-27 01:39:04
answer #5
answered by WESS LB 2