How about a bunch of reasons:
November Wednesday 16 2005 (20h44) :
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
By Peter Fredson
November 14, 2005
A reader of one of my blogs critical of George W. Bush remarked that I was expressing unreasoning hatred of our President. I would like to say that I believe I am expressing reasoned hatred of Bush. I did not always hate the man. Sometimes I despised his smirk, his swagger or his very strange verbalisms, but years ago I did not hate him. I often reflected on the circumstances where his rich and powerful daddy bought him a sports area, put him up in the oil business, got him a commission in the Texan National Guard where he seemed to follow a despicable course of very irregular service, and made him Governor of Texas.
The hatred came gradually as I learned more and more about him and was able to examine his actions and statements while trying to separate what seem to be his fantasies and frat-boy arrogance from ordinary realities. It was not as much emotion as reason, and I have my reasons which I will gladly explain.
I despise and hate George W. Bush for using his office to intrude or inflict his personal religious beliefs upon the entire nation. I regard this as similar to Emperor Constantine when by fiat he declared all citizens of his empire were Christian. He expected everyone to adopt his recently acquired beliefs and to punish anyone who rejected them.
Heretics would suffer enormously, unless they kept absolute silence and hypocritically pretend to accepted all of Constantine’s superstitious nonsense. Bush has never studied the effects of religious oppression, Secret Chambers, Inquisitions, torture on racks, death by burning or slow strangulation in the name of a loving God and ignores or despises other people’s symbols, dogma and beliefs. Bush is a religious bigot of dangerous dimensions with what appears to be inherited love of torture and abuse from ancient days of Christian imposition.
I despise and hate GWB for lying when he publicly said he did not intend to intrude his beliefs on anyone, and then immediately used his office to declare National Days of Prayer, Read your Bible Week, Pray for the Cabinet, etc. stumping for the fundamentalist mantra which seeks to destroy the separation of Church and State by turning this effective democracy into a practicing theocracy.
At the same time he used his executive privilege to institute “Faith-Based” actions, giving bushels of taxpayer money to religious devotees and allow them to proselytize freely with governmental sanction. His thousand points of light became a thousand predictable age-old sermons against non-Christians.
I despise and hate GWB for claiming to speak to an invisible intangible omnipotent, omnipresent, omni-good, entity about invading a sovereign country and using Shock and Awe to slaughter thousands of Muslims. I reject any claim of a politician that he was commanded to invade, loot, prey, destroy and kill at the behest of some deity from the Neolithic period of history.
Claims about following divine commandments make GRB the most dangerous and treacherous person living, a most unreliable source to support our Constitution, worthless to uphold any morals, or present himself as a saintly being. All we can expect is endless civil war, ruin, death and destruction amidst fantastic claims of glory for Bush supporters who want nothing more than destruction of this vale of tears for some mythological city in the sky.
Some of his followers actually believe he will bring about the Apocalypse, or Rapture, or some kind of final destruction to Creation, when all his supporters will walk on streets of gold in some unspecified time and place for all eternity. Undoubtedly they will all flit about on wings better than Icarus, strumming harps, and prating about sin, absolution, holy celebrations and quoting from a sacred book. (Providing they had been properly baptized.) Otherwise they will scream in hell for all eternity, according to the thousands of televangelists, whom I hope will precede me to their own final judgment for imposing ritual nonsense on this entire nation.
This preoccupation with some other realm, and absolute contempt for the present reality, make the fundamentalists subject to fits of loony behavior which will destroy this nation. And GWB will march them into oblivion, waving flags and crosses, shouting Pledges of Allegiance Under God, holding up tablets with their 10 or 20 Commandments and singing in unison ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS as they wipe out the last remnants of insolent infidels and heretics.
Whether or not he believes this nonsense is beside the point. What is the point of my hatred is that he exploits his fundamentalist Talibanist Americans and takes advantage of their beliefs to reap a rich harvest of cash, votes, support and undying loyalty.
Bush exploits patriotism to the hilt, mentioning 9/1l hundreds of times, as though he had done anything to avoid it. He enjoys having his soldiers murder Muslims, and his loyal Christian followers are gleeful to see those dastardly sinful people slaughtered, although they pretend to be horrified. They also pretend to be horrified with torture, abuse, indefinite detention, murder of prisoners, and the tyranny of the Patriot Act of fascist-minded Ashcroft. Otherwise, why not speak out?
A nation of sycophants and cowardly hypocrites is not worth a tinker’s damn. If the Christian supporters of Bush would really want to stop Bush torture, abuse and other vindictive acts of cruelty and oppression, they would toss him and his thugs out into the garbage heap of history.
The fact that they continue to heap praise and adulation upon his stupidities belies their appeals to any moral principles and shows their hypocritical nature. They love to see other people’s blood, suffering and disaster, in the name of their Lord.
In my reasoned review of Bush’s actions, after searching thousands of files, I found him to be a habitual liar, a scoundrel that uses the veil of secrecy to protect him and his minions in their dirty work, and a thoroughly corrupt official that has sold his soul to the neo-cons, the American fundamentalists, and to the corrupt corporations for cash, the wielding of military might, some sort of imaginary glory, and the opportunity to swagger into carefully staged photo-ops.
His boyhood dreams were translated into Republican omniscience. He successfully subverted Congress into becoming an appendage of the Oval Office, with Republican Senators lining up behind him, waiting to kneel down behind him and kiss his metaphorical butt.
Anything George wants, George gets, regardless of merit or reality-checks, which are non-existent. Despite his public pretensions, I think he really believes he is above any old man-made law, and would prefer to use selected Bible quotations as legislation for the country. I have seen little signs that his followers would oppose him in making the Bible the primary textbook in national schools.
When he stopped an airplane carrier to strut about its deck and declare MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, what was really accomplished was to lay bare the shenanigans of this petulant, irritable, irresponsible, frat-boy, with the dry-drunk appeal of smiles, smirks and swaggers that appeal to the gullible public crying for enlightenment. What a shame that it is all a false-front, like those jerry-build Western sets erected overnight for making some movie.
That is when my hatred became something tangible and I found this jack-in-the-box to be noxious and unsupportable. The terror is not from Muslims, who have their own reasons to hate Bush, but from the Bush dynasty of bureaucratic thugs, which could destroy this democracy.
I could say much more on the damnable intrusion of Bush beliefs on the entire country, but I have many other reasons to hate the Bush conspirators that I will try to explain in another blog.
When enough people are fooled by the Bush photo-op staged scenery this nation will be deservedly terminated as an effective credible ethical democracy that once proudly waved the Stars and Stripes. Ozymandias would probably simply say, “I told you so.”
I met a traveler from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read, Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed, And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822
By : peter fredsib
November Wednesday 16 2005
2007-02-26 15:17:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous