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It amazes me to see so many "dummies" out there saying "you need to earn my respect before i give it" ..

Everybody you meet deserves your respect up front. Losing your respect is earned thats how it works.

Think about it... you don't go around disrespecting people you meet at first glance unless you are socially retarded.

Trust hjowever is earned and should not be given at first glance...i think people confuses the two...what do you think?

2007-02-26 14:24:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Sorry for the mistypes ..edit doesn't work

2007-02-26 14:26:06 · update #1

7 answers

Can I suggest that this "earn my respect" position is really generational. I'm not old... late 30s... but I do believe that there has been a real shift.

Respect used to be so much more of an inferred attribute. We respected those older than us. We respected those in positions of trust or power. I think the 60s started that decline, but it really has picked up steam with Gen-Y & Z (pretty much anyone under the age of 30 today.

I guess I kinda got mixed feelings... I think there's a lot to be said for not blindly respecting people just because they have a position or title. But we've gone way to the other side which is your point... "I'll respect you when you earn it". To which my response is usually, "And why am I supposed to care whether you respect me or not?"

Call me old fashioned.... I respect people by default, give added deference to people with experience or a track record, and then shape that respect by what they do. Which seems to be pretty much what your saying....

BTW... I really like the respect/trust angle. Haven't thought about it that way and it makes sense to me....... although I probably am one of those people who will give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to trust. Up to a certain point......

2007-02-26 14:35:43 · answer #1 · answered by helpful_dude 3 · 2 0

Respect is self-effacing. You offer it, but don't ask for it, and you certainly never demand it or tell someone that they need to earn it from you. It's a tough concept for Americans to understand. It requires humility, (that's not something we're known for). Personally, I try to respect everyone and trust everyone up front. Some say I'm a moron; some say I'm a gentleman. What do you think?

2007-02-26 22:39:16 · answer #2 · answered by bullwinkle 5 · 1 0

I disagree. I think everyone deserves courtesy up front, which is not the same as respect. You cannot respect a person you know nothing about.

2007-02-26 22:28:57 · answer #3 · answered by Omni D 5 · 3 1

You have a point....but the only thing is that there are some people that are disrespectful from the beginning and those are the one's you have to watch for.

2007-02-26 22:41:24 · answer #4 · answered by Neea_Gastino 3 · 2 0

yup - 100% agree with you.

Everyone deserves Respect (except sex offenders and child abusers!).

trust however is something that one must earn

2007-02-26 22:28:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i absolutely agree with you. saying you need to earn my respect first is like saying you gotta kiss my ***.

2007-02-26 22:28:58 · answer #6 · answered by Jennifer M 2 · 1 0

yeah, it all depends on how arrogant the person is !!

2007-02-26 22:27:21 · answer #7 · answered by smoovkay 2 · 2 0

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