Retired generals support of a large anti-war movement in the US.
Many believe the war mistake- and illegal in fact.
Many believe president dishonest, ambitious, feeble-minded, a a perjured criminal.
War is dragging on with no end in sight, and many believe it is unwinnable.
Many assert that the president's policies have cost everyone to lose their civil liberties, with massive debts being run up, thanks to questionable civilian contracts.
Further, it is cited that the president overreached his authority, with the military usurping power by overriding the courts and constitution.
These are the issues discussed at the antiwar rally in NY ref June 4, 1863 New York Times page one. Headlines read THE PEACE PARTY …. OPPOSITION TO THE GOVERNMENT ….. DEMAND A CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES AND A DECLARATION OF PEACE WITH THE “UNCONQUERABLE SOUTH” …..
12 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
Some people are not 'hooked on phonics.'
13:13:24 ·
update #1
Read the question- Its about the Civil War.
15:07:20 ·
update #2
Just like back in the civil war, if we don't keep trying and just give up and cut and run, we will lose and have many enemies on our border so we'll have to fight them here.
2007-02-26 13:13:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you returned to the time of the American Civil war you could find similar headlines, groups and individuals. The same is true of every war in history.
As retired military I can tell you sometimes it is necessary. It isn't fun or heroic or glamorous. It is nasty and ugly and dangerous. That said, if we don't keep the pressure on terror groups we will have to fight them on the street where you live. I don't know if any war is just but this one is certainly necessary.
It is my opinion that most people, especially on the winning side, like the results, would you care to have lived under Hitler's rule? The thing people forget is war is for professionals, stop the PC and let us figure out how to wage it.
I tell people that war is like sausage, most folks like the results but average people wouldn't like it if they saw how it was made.
Good evening.
2007-02-26 21:36:59
answer #2
answered by gimpalomg 7
YES IT WAS!! i believed that from the start. the rest of the country just seems to be waking up form their 4 year stubor. as the american public truly begin to realize that they were lied and manipulated they will become more and more critical of bush and his outlaw administration. the young generation that is and will continue to pay a heavy price for this GREAT BLUNDER IN HISTORY, WILL eventually become angry and demand that the truth be told. by that time bush will be safe and rich on his Texas ranch, but he will be about as popular as the black plague, but then again he will have his money so why should he really give a damn about the poor kids that died and were blown to pieces while he and cheney could count their cash!!!! WHAT A PITY INDEED!!
2007-02-26 21:25:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes, the War was a mistake. We defeated the Iraqi military but are losing to the terrorists. Victory will be acheived when all the terroists have blown themselves up. That means the war will go on forever.
2007-02-26 21:43:52
answer #4
answered by edward m 4
Sounds just like the ones today. They must all be actors reading a script. To bad there is not enough Oscars for them all.
2007-02-26 21:30:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
We need to take the frickin gloves off. Can you frickin imagine us winning World War II fighting it like this? There wouldn't be any men left in the country I find it ironic they worry so much about the iraqi deaths and our soldier's casualties but 4 thousand babies drawn and quartered every day doesn't bother them at all.
2007-02-26 21:16:05
answer #6
answered by archangel72901 4
I believe Iraq is a mistake. It's a tar-baby now - no way anyone can come out clean. I think Afghanistan is and was the right place to be to catch and prosecute those that were responsible for 9/11.
2007-02-26 21:12:10
answer #7
answered by Garth Rocket 4
Grasping at straws now ain't ya bubba? The civil war has nothing whatsoever to do with the present foolish war, and comparison however "clever" means doodly squat.
2007-02-26 21:14:08
answer #8
answered by ArgleBargleWoogleBoo 3
I think it was a mistake for Americans to have supported it at any point. I don't however feel that Bush and his administration made a mistake. I think that for them the war has been successful...given their goals.
Good question, and a fair question...especially as you've presented it.
2007-02-26 21:13:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yeah. D-head Bush was born a mistake and it just kept snowballing.....
2007-02-26 21:19:47
answer #10
answered by Bud's Girl 6