--Can you do without water, light, food, gravity, electro-magnetic forces and all the forces that exist.
--Just do away with any one of these and we are gone as humans, dead, non-existent!
--So, if I have it right you also want to get rid of God , who is the power behind all the above forces & the thousands of others that science has not discovered?---Just because you cannot see Him?
--How many forces do you think exist that you CANNOT see & yet exist? Try drinking a cup of coffee with the law of gravity NOT--working-- do you see the energy forces of gravity? If not why do you believe it exists, if you cannot see it?
--Has man ever produced any of the above things & forces from NOTHING? But you want to do away with the one who has arranged for a constant renewing of things in nature and the laws behind them?
--Well, when you figure how you are going to do that --go to the Taliban, KKK, Skin-heads, all the dictators in the world, etc. and give them your blueprints for this great undergoing!--Maybe they will come up with something--to suit you.
--That is sad that you equate God with the atrocities of false religions, that refuse to adhere to Christs teachings, and you relegate absolutely nothing good to God! My my!
2007-02-26 11:58:34
answer #1
answered by THA 5
The world is in my opinion better with religion. Where do you think that the food that the earth provides comes from. Yes it is true that we cannot see, hear or touch him but to some of us He's there. There have been alot of fighting in the name of religion yes, but there are many religions and many beleifs. And to some religiong if you do not believe in what they believe that's a sign for war. That is where most of the fights come from.
2007-02-26 18:10:21
answer #2
answered by petty 2
You know something, I don't think that religion is a necessity for everyone in life. I used to be religious, I would pray constantly, I would go to church, I read the Bible every day, I threw away all my "secular" things I owned in my house to serve God, to much more. I don't know, for some reason I just wasn't happy still, I did not feel the peace that I was expecting. What I was feeling was confusion. It drove me crazy trying to figure out if God was telling me something or if Satan was telling me something or if I was posessed by demons or if what I was feeling was normal or if I was living the right life, just a bunch of wierd stuff. I came to a place where I had to constantly pray to God to help me with the smallest things throughout my day because I was so scared of everything.
One day while I was in my room, I started thinking about dying, and I just realized that I was absolutely terrified about dying. I started to cry. I just felt so scared and alone, and I was crying because of how cruel life can seem, that we die, that we leave all that we have ever known. Then I opened my eyes, and something told me to just surrender to everything, just forget about everything, just to let go and be happy. It was so remarkable... I think I was enlightened or something. That happened about 3 weeks ago. So now, I just don't think about God or Satan or anything, I just feel so much better. But that is my story.
Oh yeah, another thing, ever since I let go of everything, I have been having the most beautiful moments. A couple of days ago, I was crying outside on my patio, just frustrated with my life, when all of a sudden I heard a cry from above, and I looked up at the sky, and I saw a big hawk, flying in circles above my house. I just stared at it, flying so free, and then, another hawk, much smaller, came flying eagerly to meet the big hawk, and the small hawk was squeeling so loud to the big hawk, and they were crying to one another, the small hawk flying behind the big hawk in circles. Just watching this made me weep, because I thought of me and my mom. I think the big hawk was a mama, and the smaller hawk was her daughter, and the mama was teaching her daughter how to fly.
2007-02-26 19:09:47
answer #3
answered by lilyblossom84 1
Your question assumes a questionable causal relationship between religion and fighting. I would suggest that fighting does not take place because of religion. Fighting takes place when human pride gives way to fear and is then mainfest in a fight or an overt use of force. Humanities failure to employ self-control might be a better reason for all the fighting. However, this lack of self-control will always be present due to humanities sinful nature. I would suggest that the world would be better without sin.
2007-02-26 18:16:51
answer #4
answered by minimule67 2
All religion is MAN-MADE. Therefore, the world can do without religion. However, we cannot do with GOD. God NEVER formed any religion, it's man who started this crap. The new book "Another Thought" by OC Tross explains this idea/concept in depth.
2007-02-26 19:44:58
answer #5
answered by ken123 3
People are generally too busy doing other things to bother about someone else's religious beliefs. The only time, really, that people fight over religious beliefs is when their governments use religion as an excuse to go to war. When individuals fight over religious beliefs it is more a control issue than a religious issue -- a person who is (physically and/or intellectually) stronger may want to convince others to agree with him/her and people may, just because they are afraid of the consequences. But, as soon as the person is gone, people revert to their own belief-systems.
2007-02-26 18:38:02
answer #6
answered by Anpadh 6
More people died in the 20th century from wars; WWI and WWII, than from all wars that had preceded them and then after WWII it is estimated that Stalin killed another 20 to 30 million of his own people and Mao in China after the revolution killed an estimated 30 to 60 million of his own people. Combined these two wars and their aftermath about 110 to 130 million people were killed and NOT in the name of "religion" or God but in the name of politics and primarily in the name of "Communism"
So that makes me wonder why you are so worried about religion.
2007-02-26 19:09:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
God has nothing to do with religion.
Remove religion and you deal with God directly.
As for a God that cannot be seen or touched, you cannot "see" God with your eyes, but you can "see" God with your perception.
God physically exists, He is just physically different.
God is Spirit, and literally indwells the human spirit of those whose souls are restored to Him through Christ. They experience God in their spirit and can physically "feel" His existence.
I know this from direct experience when I was restored to God and changed from within.
This was 20 years ago.
2007-02-26 19:06:45
answer #8
answered by Q 6
Good point. Religion has served no evolutionary purpose for humanity, unfortunately.
Most life forms that prosper enhance their environment or have a neutral effect on it. We're on a track, at this time, to render our entire planet uninhabitable by life forms greater than amoeba-sized
The ultimate 'profit' is species survival. We use religion, greed, money, anything as excuses to put nails in our collective coffin.
2007-02-26 18:45:46
answer #9
answered by nora22000 7
I say it would be better "without Religion"...but that's only because the religions that I know about (christianity, protestant, judism, islam) seem to divide people and cause conflict among people.
I am not sure if the real major religions (Hindi, Confusionism, Buddism) have the same general conflict with people who don't believe in them.
2007-02-26 17:57:38
answer #10
answered by ♫ giD∑■η ♫ 5