I believe you gain weight when you are unhappy. You begin using food to comfort yourself to fill a void that you feel. I gained weight after settling for someone that wasn't my true love because it helped get passed the depression. Now the man I have always loved is back in my life and I am working very hard to get back in shape for myself because I am finally happy again.
2007-02-26 09:53:48
answer #1
answered by shell 1
You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs. You can gain weight whether you are happy or unhappy. It's a matter of moderation and not eating when your body is not calling for food. Stopping when you've had enough and not stuffing yourself.
When we eat to take care of emotional needs is when we get into trouble. This does happen in unhappy relationships, but the person who does it can't blame the other party. It is their choice what they put into their mouths and how much.
2007-02-26 19:37:21
answer #2
answered by delmaanna67 5
I've read (I think in ThirdAge) that when a woman dates a man who is dumber than she is, she will gain weight. And when she dates a man who is smart, she'll get more energy. I know for a fact, though, that for a woman to be happy in a relationship, she must by physically, emotionally, AND intellectually stimulated. Also, you naturally gain weight when depressed. Even if you don't eat more (or eat less), your metabolic rate will dip down. Happiness increases energy. Energy aids metabolism.
I've lost 2.9 BMI since I left my ex (10 months ago)--from a 25.5 to a 22.6. And I am still happy being single!
I know that women tend to gain weight in unsatisfying relationships. Women are more receptive.
2007-02-26 23:17:52
answer #3
answered by filia_san 5
When I'm happy, I tend to eat more, I guess I just want to keep the good times goin. When i'm unhappy, I tend to gain more weight because you gain more when you're stressed. Usually, when people are unhappy, they stay up late, blogging, talking, or web browsing, or just talking on the phone with a friend, late sleep induces your appetite, so you eat more.
2007-02-26 17:53:21
answer #4
answered by www.japanvideogames.com 3
I remember over 2 years ago, my boyfriend was with his ex. He was skinny. And he wasn't happy. He told me a lot of hurtful things she told him.
He's been with me for a year now and he's gained weight. He's happy. We plan on getting married after college.
So HEY.... maybe weight DOES have a correlation with happiness in a relationship. LOL.
2007-02-26 17:51:22
answer #5
answered by ( Kelly ) 7
I think it depends on your relationship to food. Some people eat when they're miserable. Other people can't eat when they're upset. Sometimes in a relationship, people tend to skip going to the gym or indulge a little more, while other people get "high" on the infatuation and don't think about food.
2007-02-26 17:51:16
answer #6
answered by Violet Pearl 7