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I play Morrowind, and Oblivion sounds really cool! Is it alot harder than Morrowind?

2007-02-26 09:34:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

6 answers

enemies get harder as you level and if you fail to increase your attributes and skills to keep pace with them they will start to kick your butt around level 10, depending on what you are trying to be. I have (rather had, thanks to a damn bug) a level 51 sorceress that had a 1250 point damage (combination of damage health and all the elemental damage over 5 seconds + 20 sec of level 25 demoralize) spell that cost something like 760 magicks to cast with a destruction of 100 (I had a base of 300 magicks & a total of +350 on clothing/jewelry and some from bonuses to int. - I would still have to cast a +100 fortify magic to get me enough to cast it) and it was enough to kill ANYTHING is the game unless they absorbed or resisted it (if it gets reflected I am dead unless I can suck down potions fast enough). There is only one exception to this, a Goblin warlord which can take the damage and survive with about 1/5 of his life left. Nastiest creatures in the game are by far the Goblins. I don't bother trying to take them on in direct confrontations anymore. Just paralyze them or use a lvl 25 dominate creature which does't alway hit, even with 100% effectiveness. It's really fun to make creatures kill each other for you in this game.

2007-02-26 18:51:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I played oblivion but not enought to know if it is harder than morrowind but it is a very good game and even if it is alot harder than morrowind you should level your character up enough to make sure that it isnt harder than morrowind so you can have alot of fun with it because those games are awesome.

2007-02-26 17:36:58 · answer #2 · answered by fuderpod 3 · 0 0

well personally in morrowind when i get killed by a flipping rat it's very frustrating but with oblivion you can set the difficulty to what ever you like (start.options,gameplay) and the default difficulty is medium and that makes it easy enough for the general gamer but if your new to the rpg genre or you just like to kill stuff easily then the easiest difficulty is for you! trust me at this level you will breeze through the game/

2007-02-26 18:08:24 · answer #3 · answered by coldsniper 1 · 0 0

at first but as you play and understand ways to get better the game is great

2007-02-26 21:16:57 · answer #4 · answered by randyjuggalo 2 · 0 0

great game, more detail. harder, yes.

2007-02-26 17:36:36 · answer #5 · answered by kathy b 2 · 0 0

yeah it is

2007-02-26 17:35:50 · answer #6 · answered by Leo 3 · 0 0

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