Well, he has a dick, and he once ate a tator tot
Is the connection clear now? Dicktator?
EDIT: Arglebargle, do you even read the **** you write? I mean, come on! Put the picture together, and realize that he just said those, not saying he wants to be one, or wanting a dictatorship to be brought to america. Gosh, you PC people drive me insane!
2007-02-26 08:28:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Bush isnt exactly a dictator .. but he wasnt exactly democratically elected as the florida election scandal shows. So i cannot say he is the democratically elected leader of the US which leaves us with the option of being the unelected leader o0f the US and that normally implies a dictator. Of course, the leader of the free world cant be called a dictator can he? That just would not do ....!!
2007-02-26 16:32:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I dont believe the man is a dictator I just believe the man follows his own views on every situation and never considered the peoples views and wants. In turn this made him probably the most undesired president in history and seem dictatorish in a way of view. Mabey the people are a little hard on him at times but bad choice after bad choice makes him an easy target.
2007-02-26 16:34:28
answer #3
answered by Sean Dowd 1
N O!!! If President Bush was a dictator, these
lemmings wouldn't be able to voice their opinions on Yahoo Answers or anywhere else.
There really wouldn't be ANY Freedoms.PERIOD!!!!!!!!
2007-02-26 16:33:56
answer #4
answered by Vagabond5879 7
dic·ta·tor /ËdɪkteɪtÉr, dɪkËteɪtÉr/ [dik-tey-ter, dik-tey-ter]
–noun 1. a person exercising absolute power, esp. a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.
2. (in ancient Rome) a person invested with supreme authority during a crisis, the regular magistracy being subordinated to him until the crisis was met.
3. a person who authoritatively prescribes conduct, usage, etc.: a dictator of fashion.
4. a person who dictates, as to a secretary.
Ah HA! #4 - He most likely dictates to his secretary. Therefore he is a dictator (according to dictionary.com)
2007-02-26 16:33:59
answer #5
answered by smellyfoot ™ 7
Well, if you look at some of the legislation that has been passed that greatly expands the government's power. Just look at the Patriot Act that was passed by the Bush Administration. This allows the FBI or Homeland Security to do such things like go through your records without a warrant or probable cause. So, basically Bush can decide to go through your personal effects anytime he wants to. And they don't even have to tell you that you are under investigation. The fourth amendment was designed to prevent this. But, under this law we no longer have the right to be secure in our personal effects.
Bush, under the Military Commissions Act of 2006, can lock anyone up as an unlawful enemy combatant and hold them. Like he did to the Hamoui family. They weren't the only ones either. He went and basically locked legal immigrants up just for having a Musilim name.
Has denied people access to a lawyer. Just ask Jose Padilla. He was denied an attorney for a long time.
He now has the ability to define torture under this Act. He can suspend the Habeus Corpas and not even allow those he locks up to go before the court. This is a basic cornerstone of freedom. U.S. citizens will have access to the courts, but under procedures alien to the Bill of Rights.
He can interpet the definition of treason under this Act. Can decide what evidence will be submitted before the military commissions at Guantanamo. He has even been using "secret evidence" to hold people on. The President can set the rules for future trials like the use of hearsay evidence in court, and the products of "coerced interrogations." Bush can decide to bring a charge of treason against those he prejudges to be unlawful enemy combatants. For instance, he can lock someone up for speaking out against the Administration. He can say they are aiding and abedding the enemy, therefore they have committed treason. Granted, he has not done it. But, keep in mind this legislation allows him to do it.
He signs statements that allow him to redifine the Constitution. Like the one that allows him to open your mail without a warrant. Now, it does say under astregent circumstances. But the President decides what those are.
If you look at history and what other dictators have done, he is doing the same thing. Keep in mind also other dictators have been elected in office. Hitler to name one.
The Constitution was created to limit the government's power to prevent abuse of power like this. It protects us from the government. He, along with many others, ignores it. And with all this power and complete blantant violation of our Constitution, he is.
2007-02-26 17:18:40
answer #6
answered by j 4
Bush is way too much of a p*ssy to be a dictator.
2007-02-26 16:36:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
How about this:
1. He ignores the Constitution with illegal wire tapping.
2. Every single bill he has signed since taking office (nearly 800) has had a "signing statement" added, which simply says, "I'm signing this bill with the understanding that it is subject to my interpretation."
3. He denies Habeas Corpus rights to supposed terrorists.
4. The Patriot Act.
5. He ignores Congress.
6. He ignores the Judicial branch of government.
2007-02-26 16:38:35
answer #8
answered by Hemingway 4
Main Entry: dic·ta·tor
Pronunciation: 'dik-"tA-t&r, dik-'
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from dictare
1 a : a person granted absolute emergency power; especially : one appointed by the senate of ancient Rome b : one holding complete autocratic control c : one ruling absolutely and often oppressively
2 : one that dictates
According to the dictionary, YES he is a dictator (1a, b, and c)
2007-02-26 16:31:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
George W. Bush has stated he'd prefer to be a dictator at least three times, according to BuzzFlash.com:
"You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier." Describing what it's like to be governor of Texas.(Governing Magazine 7/98)
-- From Paul Begala's "Is Our Children Learning?"
"I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don't agree with each other, but that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator," Bush joked.
-- CNN.com, December 18, 2000
"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it, " [Bush] said.
-- Business Week, July 30, 2001
2007-02-26 16:29:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
once you start amending constitutions to suit your needs as he's done...he's dictating..
Do you bush supporters also think that the constitution is only a piece of paper??
He's a dicktator..as someone put it...and worse of all... many don't know it.
2007-02-26 16:45:14
answer #11
answered by Anonymous