The longer you wait, the better. Sex is overrated. If you start too early and you don't like it, you might develop distaste for sex for life. Or if you like it and try too many partners, you might have trouble staying with one person for a long time and you will always compare. You will want your husband to be someone with whom you have the most amazing sex and you might overlook some serious deficiencies in character which are more important for a succesful marriage. Best thing is if you wait till you get married - by that time you will know your husband well to be sure he's a person of good character and you will not have basis for comparison so no matter how he performs, you will like it. And you can develop your own unique sex techniques that give pleasure to both of you.
2007-02-26 08:13:21
answer #1
answered by petyado 4
12 Female
15 Male
I know this sounds crazy but this is when they start to develop mentally and physically. As long as they are educated enough toknow the consequences and the girl has enough will power tomake sure the boy pulls out, wears a condom, or both, there is nothingtoworry about.Many young people experiment at that age. Now if the girl is 12 and the guy is 33, thats a different story. That is obviously not what we are talking about. I am talking about young girlsand guys experimenting, which is perfectly normal and ok. This answer can give some parents nightmares. Sorry to be so honest here but what I say is very true.
2007-02-27 14:27:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First of all; just because the shoe fits; doesn't mean that you all-ways wear it!
Sex is for Marriage only! Ordainded by the Lord God Allmighty!
Chances are that the person your having sex with will break up with you; or give you a S.T.D. Worse yet, AIDES!
Condoms break! There not 100% safe! My friend on his weeding night found out. Nine months later, he had a baby boy. Thy were blessed with four more childern later, and happly married!
God's laws are to protect us from any-harm. Also, the one you may marry, you might be very disapointed with. But, if you never had any sexular relations; you would be very content, and satisfide. And most important of all! you shall be blessed by the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, Jesus.
So, if you started an affare, STOP! Wait and trust in the Lord, and find a Four Square church, Assemble of God, or a Christian Bible beleaving church. If the church say that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords', and that the Farther and Him are One! There are no other gods, but Lord God Almighty; it probley is a sound Christian church. If not, I would flee from there! If that thy confess , and say " I beleave that Jesus is the Christ, and the Son of the Living God, and that I asked Him to come in to my heart" chances are there a good body of Bible beliving people.
The churches I mention above will tell you wich ones to aviod, and other Christian churches that are Christian Bible based foundations
Adam and Eve were the first marriage ordained by God. So, wait on the Lord for a mate that he has for you! .
2007-02-26 18:13:05
answer #3
answered by alley 1
2007-02-27 19:59:55
answer #4
answered by Colin T 1
2007-02-26 16:10:29
answer #5
answered by naenae0011 7
When a person starts having sex has nothing to do with age. I has to do with when the person is truely ready. They also have to be ready to accept the responsibility of what happens when you have sex like getting pregnant or passing on STD's.
2007-02-26 16:10:31
answer #6
answered by princesschubbybutt 3
When you arent questioning whether or not it is appropriate. Wait until you are ready. Dont do it just because your friends are. Then when your older you will look back and regret it. Besides there is nothing wrong with waiting until you are married.
2007-02-26 16:12:47
answer #7
answered by Sarah P 1
When the male or female is old enought to understand the responsibility and risk that come with sex. I'd say 18 but that may even be to young.
2007-02-26 16:08:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I personally- had this talk with my parents. I was in a 'serious' relationship with my boyfriend of 4 years; since 6th grade named Chasez MaDonald; on my 15th birthday my parents let us have sex, we broke up 4 months later. I wish I had waited. But at the moment it seemed like we were soul mates.
2007-02-26 17:49:55
answer #9
answered by ♥;KayCey;♥ Las Vegas, NV Teen 1
When you're married, or if you really can't wait, I'd say 18 at the very least.
Sex implies taking responsibility for any potential consequences - pregnancy, disease, heartbreak...
And before 18, it's hard to take such a huge responsibility.
2007-02-26 16:09:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous