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what is your concept of poor and rich? how can you say when someone ,or a society is poor? do you consider Indeginous people poor?

2007-02-26 07:28:16 · 1 answers · asked by Dr. J 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

1 answers

Personally I judge (out of habit) rich and poor according to how much money and things that a person/town/city or even a country has. However, I know that isn't true, and in reality they are only rich in finances only, and probably poor in spirit and soul. A person can be very poor in the material world (homeless), but very rich in spirit!!! Personally speaking, if I broke down on my cycle on a back road, I prefer to good to an adverage to poorer looking place for help than a rich place, cause the poorer looking place is more to help me, but that's only from my experience with getting help. Another true example would be, if I needed a coat for something...a homeless person who has 2 coats would be more likely to give me one, then for me to walk up to a mansion and ask them if they had a coat I can have...most likely they would have the cops there. Being rich to me is really the mind set of a person and what they do with what they believe about what is right and wrong. Naturally everyone would want a little more, but what we do with what we have makes us rich or people. I know one man that is well off, and he continues to give freely with nothing in return, and he has my respect.

2007-03-02 02:46:52 · answer #1 · answered by WV_Nomad 6 · 0 0

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