to ultra-right wing groups like Blackwater? And, since they are not soldiers, but many are American, are not being counted as military casualties. In addition, Blackwater is making billions from our tax money all the while they aren't giving their soldiers benefits for their work or to their families if they are killed in action. They are linked to Abu Graib tortures, Guantanomo torture, and the torture of many many innocent Iraqies. They don't have to answer to the American people or our government for their actions because they are considered a private business. They were used in post Katrina New Orleans and were allowed to shoot to kill if anyone questioned what they were doing.
Do you see this as a threat to our democracy? If so,why. If not, why not? Please read these,16441,1567656,00.html
10 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Politics
Oh, in addition. Blackwater's insignia is Red, White and Black. Just like the Nazi insignia.
05:31:04 ·
update #1
NCAF33..... Dude, what do you mean by neutral? Fox (we account only to the president) News? Do some digging. This is well know. The Toronto Star, that I have listed above IS policitally neutral. It's a newspaper. And, Jerry Skahill is a world reknowned journalist who has won many many awards. He's researched this to death and has a book on the matter. You've been listening to Fox far too long to know what 'neutral' means.
05:40:23 ·
update #2
spiritwal... My facts are right. You didn't read the articles. Clinton didn't downsize the military nearly as much as you think, dipstick. Afterall, he had a war in Bosnia to fight. And, this Blackwater thing started in the 1990's and Cheney was involved. Please read my sources. You guys sound ignorant and on Fox mental pills.
05:42:58 ·
update #3