Dig a Ditch at the border,with illegals and prisoners as labor.Its easier to defend a ditch rather then a wall and cheaper too.
All retired Americans are 100% tax exempt,to stimulate the economy.Build a federal apt.complex for congress and senate,cut their income by 50 % or more.NO More Voting yourselves a raise.Death Penalty for predators on children.Heavily tax business who use foreign labor to make their products and import.All Judiciary is held Accountable,No More Judicial Immunity.High investment into Hydrogen technology,Wind and Solar power.Nation Wide Health Care for All Americans.Free College for all Americans,As Education is the Only Answer to a better World.
2007-02-26 04:43:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately, I think I would have to be elected supreme dictator to restore the US to its original democracy. How ironic is that?
So, I think the question should be if you could amend the constitution what three things would add to change the government.
My list would be the following:
1. Make English the official language of the US. All laws, government business, public education, and election material would be in English and only English. This really should already be implied, for God's sake, the document establishing the United Stated is written in English, but it seems many people need to have this spelled out for them.
2. Stop the Federal Government from ignoring the 10th Amendment and its constant re-interpretation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution to expand the Federal government, and based on this abolish every government department that has been created in the past 100 year. Since every single one of them violates the 10th Amendment.
3. Repeal the 16th Amendment and end direct taxation of the citizens by the Federal Government. The founding fathers never intended the Federal Government to tax the people directly. For the first 130 years of the United States as we know it, ordinary citizens had no interaction with the Federal Government, and people had more personal freedoms and liberty then, than we do now. The Federal Government is suppose to interact with the States not the people. The enormous growth and waste of the Federal Government is directly related to its ability to tax citizens.
That's my list.
2007-02-26 05:08:36
answer #2
answered by TheMayor 3
1. Tougher laws on illegal immigration. I'd definately put more man power on that situation. Illegal immigrants are draining our government funds. This is were our hard earn money and tax dollars are going. It's amazing that they can get all kinds of financial and medical help. They need to be shipped back to their country and not given that chance of citizenship here in the US. Let their country support them, not us!!! They can't obey our laws, then they don't need to live here.
2. Reform tax laws were they're more fair to everyone. Honest people that are trying to make a living are getting screwed by the government.
3. Stop giving foreign aid (military,money) to just any and every country. It seems like the US is the first one they call on in time of need. All that money and aid should be spent here in our own country first.
2007-02-26 04:57:49
answer #3
answered by cajun24 5
in consumer-friendly words 4? it fairly is problem-loose. a million. Lugar-Obama Nonproliferation regulation Signed into regulation via utilising the President, 2. Senate Passes Coburn-Obama bill to Create internet Database of Federal Spending, 3. stated as for a timeline to withdraw from Iraq, suggestion which President Bush is now following, 4. stated as for sending diplomatic communities to fulfill with Iran as a thank you to ratchet down the conflict communicate, suggestion which President Bush is now following, 5. Has inspired 1000's of 1000's of childrens and new electorate to become in touch in politics and, in case you do no longer are conscious of it, the skill to construct political help is a political accomplishment. it fairly is 5. i will incredibly supply you extra, rather if we incorporate his record indoors the Illinois State Senate.
2016-12-14 06:08:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1. Adopt a new tax code.--Fair tax a grass root org. has some good ideas.
2. Make medical savings accounts able to roll over year after year so we could save tax free for health care. If the first doesn't happen.
3. Stop federal welfare to corporations like, Tobacco-oil-sugar- and some other corps. that need to pay for there own way.
2007-02-26 04:37:10
answer #5
answered by Mother 6
I would explore new directions for the government of Iraq and attempt to find a workable solution to the three factions living in the same country. Obviously, the current governmental structure is NOT working.
I would send more troops to Afghanistan instead of Baghdad, and increase troops in the Western Province, where Al Queda is operating fairly freely. In other words, I would address the real War on Terror.
I would seriously address our immigration problem, instead of giving it little but lip service. If we can't keep out illegals we sure can't keep out terrorists.
2007-02-26 04:28:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
First, I would give the members of the House and Senate a little lesson in the Constitution.
Second, I would disolve all payouts to businesses and foreign countries that frankly should learn to stand on their own, and get rid of any other rediculous pork spending.
Thirdly, I would dissolve any Federal office that wasn't spelled out within the Consitution.
Then I'd break for lunch.
2007-02-26 04:27:54
answer #7
answered by mamasquirrel 5
m ake any kind of energy that comes directly from natural sources a priority...energy generation without pollution... while at the same time building up our military to have the largest most technologically advanced military in the world...peace through power...and thirdly...advancing democracy, liberty and peace through these two policies...giving our allies and friends access to our new technologies of energy without oil, and protecting them with our military...while at the same time denying these things to our enemies and dictatorial regimes that want to isolate and enslave people...as for taxes, necessary to run a gov't..i would make a flat tax..10% maybe that the govt has to learn to live with...the economy grows, so does the revenue....this way everyone is equal..you want to be productive and make 10 million, you pay the same rate as the doofus who wants to only make 10 grand....equality for all...not that some are more equal...my energy policy would lower the dependance on any oil except that used for lubrication, and then i would even expect synthetics to come into play eventually...there are certain natural resources that society has to have to move forward, and these should be gotten and used wisely, recycled and used again...i believe the whole thing comes down to using the natural sources of energy the earth and sun has....if you think of it, the sun burns more energy per second than mankind will use in a million years...why arent we harnessing our needs from this..??? the country that does this will be the leader of the world for generations to come...all other nations will either want this, try to steal this or take it...thats the reason for the military.....after the whole world is free and liberty doesnt depend on someone elses wishes for us, then humanity will move forward into the next stage...
2007-02-26 04:29:22
answer #8
answered by badjanssen 5
Get us out of Iraq with diplomacy , bring our troops home and....
Close our borders tight .
Lower immigration quotas to stabilize US population , economy and infrastructure .
I know you said 3 ,but there is one more thing I would like to do .
That is to shut down NASCO and have Congress investigate , why it got started in the first place .
2007-02-26 04:42:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
1. Implement the recommendations of the Iraq study group.
2. Improve our intel and protection of our borders and harbors.
3. Have Shiraz permanently banned from Yahoo Answers.
2007-02-26 04:26:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous