Hiya - interesting question......I think that wherever we are before we are born (is that a pre birth sleep) is where we go to when we die.
I also think we can only know the type of life we are in at any given time, so other lives, afterlife etc, are not visible to us because we are in this life and thus not able to connect with, see it, or understand it.
However when we die, whatever comes next - the long sleep or some sort of afterlife, we only get access to it then. And similarly would be unable to view this life, the one we are all in now - as we wouldn'y have access to it anymore than we have access in this life, to the afterlife.
I suppose that's the beauty, whatever 'state' we are in it is always a single state and is oblivious to the previous or next states.
I also wonder if there is an afterlife are people there able to understand their previous life or do they only know that life and cannot look forward or back to other lives?
As for proof - there isn't any really is there?
2007-02-26 03:34:44
answer #1
answered by Wantstohelpu 3
There are things in the world that can be proved, and when something is proved by the methods of our reason it enters into the body of our knowledge, and we use the knowledge of that thing as the basis for further inquiries. But there are things in the world that we encounter most normally and yet we cannot prove them, we cannot know them with any of the reasonable method in our mind. Death just one such things, the most intriguing of all mysteries that we experience in life. Where do people go suddenly when they die? Do they continue living into some other world, or they simply cease to be anywhere in existence? We do not have any answer to any of these questions, but at the same time we cannot stop thinking about them. When situation is like this then people way what they believe is the case instead of say what they know is the fact.
If I speculate, for example, I can say whatever I like because nothing can be said to refute what I say. And in response to what I say people can say what they like, and I cannot reasonably deny what they say, even in the defence of my own theory. The thoughts about death are always in the twilight region of our perception of life and beyond these thoughts there is nothing that our mind can hold on to; all thing just fall silent after death; nobody ever hears anything form the one who have gone; no soul returns, no one back to meet the ones they once leave behind however hard the living may long to see them, and however hard they might yean to know how they are and where they are; no question has ever been answered no clue has ever been revealed - and yet this is the reality for every single human soul that lives in this existence.
Could this be the case that when people die they experience the death of the world instead, as if the entire world around them is dying, and this earth, the stars and the sky is being ripped into shreds; and when the dying is complete, they find themselves standing alone in an unknown place where there is nothing that there ever was, or may be they find themselves with some other people who have ‘survived the total annihilation of the world’ before them, or for us the ones who died some other times some other place? Could this then be the reason why people who go never come back; for there is nothing for them anymore that they could return to?
Or may be time dies, and spaces dies as well, but soul lives on in a world where there is no need to have time, space or a body to represent the soul, a world where there is no physical matter? We see that things begin and then they end here in our physical world; all things have limits and sizes and shapes to define them into what they are: a road, for example, is just that long, a bridge just that much wide and a person has only so long to live. This is the way things appear to us in our material world, but could this be true that in a higher reality somewhere nothing ever come to an ends and therefore nothings ever begins; that the things just remain forever like ideas, notions, wishes and prayers in this world.
2007-02-26 04:23:06
answer #2
answered by Shahid 7
There is no proof at all of an afterlife. There is not a single person alive on this earth who 'knows' what happens when we die. The priests, preachers, mullahs, and bar room philosophers know nothing more than the next person.
The endless speculation that we call religion or spirituality is merely evidence that we have nothing better to do with the time we have.
None of us knows the answer, but all of us will die. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that we will ALL know the answer after we draw our last breath. So use each second until that time doing something other than speculating on what you cannot know.
2007-02-26 04:36:03
answer #3
answered by damabb 1
The Mind (by which I don't just mean the Brain but in fact our whole Sense of Self) is a pretty vast and complicated thing; it would certainly be odd if it all just ended when we died. If our mind is still thoroughly active even when we're in the deepest of comas why should it stop being active when we're dead? And if you believe that all we are is a bundle of cells bound together with an electric charge then how do you explain Imagination? No scientist has yet cracked that one...we shouldn't technically be able to have ideas at all; like animals, all we should be able to do is Learn; instead, we make Creative Leaps and have Big Ideas. So there's definitely more to the Mind than the physical...which would imply that when the physical dies, the Mind remains unaffected.
2007-02-26 03:33:42
answer #4
answered by Leo B 2
What happens to a plant, insect, or pet when they wither or die? ashes to ashes, dust to dust. All these - and human beings - are the same - complex biological life forms. And soul/spirit/thoughts and a sense of being are just functions of our biological existence. So I'm afraid the only thing 'proven' is a return to the basic chemicals our bodies are composed of. Eternal sleep is just a euphemism to placate the sentient human race in the face of this irrevocable reality... and make our existence seem worthwhile. As someone once said: every man is immortal unto himself - he may know he is dying, but will never know he is dead... so live life while you have it, and forget the rest. It's your only chance.
2007-02-26 05:28:25
answer #5
answered by Nasrin S 3
The Bible (Inspired by the one who gave us life) tells us that death is a state of non-existence. (Ecclesiasted 9:5, 10). When it describes the creation of Adam, it gives no hint that he existed before, but that he was made from the dust. God said that he would return to the dust if he disobyed (Genesis chapters 2 and 3), so since he disobeyed, he returned to the dust at his death. Where was Adam before he was created from the dust? He did not exist. When he returned to the dust, he returned to a state of non-existence.
However, death is not the end of it for us, or at least it doesn't have to be. The Bible also hold out the hope that if we die, we may well get resurrected in order to live for ever on Earth. (Reveleation 21: 3,4)
If Adam had not disobeyed God, he would still have been alive today and he would have had the prospect of living forever with us.
There is more information on the subject. You can get it by contacting the people who run this web site.
2007-02-26 04:19:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that we live another lifetime.
I look at it this way. If no for that asteroid 65 million years ago, there would be no humans. At what point in human evolution did this "soul" come about that can live beyond death? Doea other animals have it? Any other primates? To me it's a fantasy that humans have for some kind of immortality.
There is not one single scientific shred of evidence for anyone talking to a dead realative or remembering a past life. it's all anecdotal. Look at all the dfferent religious traditions and how each has "proof" of their heaven, or angels, or gods, or demons or whatever. Are they ALL correct?
2007-02-26 03:39:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
--The proof lies in truth! Who told the truth about everything he knew? Was it not Christ or will you & others reject, the most honest man in history?
--To make the point , I will refer to a real life scenario that actually happened as such--if you will allow the Bible to be as the biographers meant it to be, accurate reporting.
--If you don't then why believe in anything written down by real live historians? Well, here goes anyway:
--This is an incident with a very close friend of Jesus, Lazarus(no not the illustration he gave in Luke 17 as a lesson or parable) but a real live friend including his 2 sisters----
(John “11 Now there was a certain man sick, Laz´a·rus of Beth´a·ny, of the village of Mary and of Martha her sister.”..5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Laz′a·rus. 6 However, when he heard that he was sick, then he actually remained two days in the place where he was. ..... : “11 He said these things, and after this he said to them: “Laz´a·rus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.” 12 Therefore the disciples said to him: “Lord, if he has gone to rest, he will get well.” 13 Jesus had spoken, however, about his death. But they imagined he was speaking about taking rest in sleep. 14 At that time, therefore, Jesus said to them outspokenly: “Laz´a·rus has died,”
--The rest shows the resurrection that Jesus performed--he did not perform a resurrection unless the person WAS INDEED DEAD) --he was not a charlatan! Do you believe him or not or do you prefer to be the cynic you are accusing true Bible believers of being?
--Throughtout the Bible death is simply the opposite of life, nothing more & nothing less. When you believe other, you are not believing in the Bible teachings --SO INDEED it does not matter what we reckon, you either believe what the Scriptures say espeicially, that of what Jesus taught or you don't
2007-02-26 03:55:46
answer #8
answered by THA 5
There is no proof of either endless sleep or afterlife. You can believe what you like, but eternal sleep is just a euphemism, when you die you don't dream, you don't breathe, you cease to exist, so it is no sleep. As for reincarnation and the rest, it is just speculation. Oh, and cynics is spelled like this, from the cynas (greek for dog).
2007-02-26 03:26:27
answer #9
answered by cpinatsi 7
The point in questioning your spelling is a question of being polite!
There is no proof at all that something happens after dead, it's just guess-hope. Christians have their belief, Hindus have their, other people believe in "the gardens of Allah" etc.
None of this can be proved, the only thing we know is that nobody ever came back from death to tell us.
2007-02-26 19:24:17
answer #10
answered by jacquesh2001 6