oooooooooohhhh good luck, i passed mine a few months ago, and my best m8 passed hers last week. you dont have to worry about nerves, its really not as bad as you might think. i was really nervous and if anythinbg it made me do worse (but i passed anyway). just imagine that your examiner is your instructor and there doing a mock test with you, that will make you feel much better. also try rescue remedy or kalms as they are great at getting rid of nerves, whther its psychosomatic or not, it works for me. good luck!!! :)
2007-02-25 21:34:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Thinking about letting yourself and family down will stress you out. Just remember if you fail, so what? you can always take it again. Your driving instructor wouldn`t put you forward if he didn`t think you were ready. Everybody in the history of driving tests has had some nerves before their test, it`s natural because you want to be able to drive on your own. The worst thing about the test for me was the examiner not making any small talk at all, it was a little off putting but that was it. I failed first time and everyone was really understanding and sympathetic. I passed 2nd time. Best feeling ever, afterwards i was wondering what i was nervous about, because its nowhere near as bad as you think it will be. Good Luck!!!!
p.s be carefull if planning to use calming pills, they may make you drowsy.
2007-02-25 21:48:33
answer #2
answered by Charles Montgomery Burns 2
Just stay calm, and show the examiner what you can do and how well you can do it, give them a smooth ride throughout the test, if you feel you may have mad a mistake earlier in the test forget about it and concentrate on whats going on now otherwise you'll probably mae more mistakes. Just dont get nerves as thats how most people fail.
I passed in January this year, in my fourth attempt becasue I let my nerves get the better of me, my instructor was saying I should have passed first time as I am a good driver I just kept messing up during the test.
2007-02-28 04:25:39
answer #3
answered by confused 1
Examiners are used to, and recognise, nerves. They allow for it. Just make sure you know your stuff. But it is NOT like a school exam. Nobody is there with trick questions.
A proper sleep the night before. Keep as busy as you can up until the time of your test so that you don't have time to worry.
I can't say don't worry, cus you are going to anyway.
And if it's the first test, then lots of people fail these. Just convince yourself its not the most important thing in the world, and if you fail, you can always try again.
Best of luck. But if you should fail, just slap in again straight away for another test.
2007-02-25 21:44:04
answer #4
answered by Bunts 6
How about doing some practicing the night before? I don't mean leaving it all to the last minute but getting it right the night before will make you feel more confident.
try to remember to keep doing your best, even if you think you've failed in the middle of the test. Chances are you might not have! I thought i'd failed in my test and it turned out I hadn't. The test is more lenient than you may think. Your driving test examiner isn't out to get you/make you feel uneasy. On my first and second attempt (I passed second time) both examiners were really nice, and made an effort to make me feel relaxed.
Also, don't worry about letting your family down if you you do fail. Most people don't pass on their first time and if you think about it, there are every week there are thousands of crummy drivers on the road who manage to still pass!
2007-02-25 21:47:33
answer #5
answered by Hey Peach! 2
It will come round really quickly, my first test is TOMORROW and I posted the question you have just asked what seems like a day ago. All I can tell you is what I have done to try and help, go to Holland and Barrett and get Kalms and Rescue Remedy, you can take them both at the same time, start taking the Kalms now so they are in your system and you can start with the rescue remedy, drops is better, 4 drops on the toungue from the night before your test, I hope, for my own sake, it works. Good luck with your test.
2007-02-26 03:57:46
answer #6
answered by jo 3
Self confidence is the answer and self confidence comes from practise and thereby the knowledge that you do know what you are doing.
The more you worry about it, the more tense you will get, and that's a fact.
Plenty of practise, plenty of ability and plenty of telling yourself that you are plenty good enough to pass this.
Inner calm.
As others have said, the examiners see nervous people every single time that they take someone out for a test. Everyone is nervous - including me and I passed first time after making a couple of really stupid goofs before even setting off!
2007-02-25 21:54:52
answer #7
answered by Billybean 7
Try using one of those Bachs Rescue Remedy Sprays (a few pounds from Boots) - they did the trick for me! A few sprays on your tongue and it really calms your nerves! Also remember that it is unusual for people to pass first time (the average is 3/4 times) so it's not the end of the world if you do and your family won't feel you have let them down.
2007-02-25 21:38:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Keep in mind you can take it over if you fail the first time. Also, you're not the first person to get nervous in this situation. That will probably be taken into consideration. So relax, be yourself and double check everything before you actually do it.
2007-02-25 22:12:29
answer #9
answered by Mack 5
You said NOTHING, about your AGE, my dear, but, - because you refer to your school exams, - my guess, is that you are 17 or 18. That, - in itself, - is not important, to what you are about to READ!
I do NOT drive, - owing to HEALTH issues, - but, I do feel ABLE, to TELL you, of the day, - many years ago, now, - that my MOTHER took HER driving test! And, there is a SURPRISE, to COME, I can ASSURE you!
Like YOU, my Mum was EXTREMELY NERVOUS, on the day of her THIRD driving test, - and, THIS is how SHE coped! Before she even put on her seatbelt, Mum told the examiner, of her nerves, an HE, - a man she had NEVER seen, - SMILED, and, simply told her to IMAGINE that HE, - the EXAMINER, - was, actually, her INSTRUCTOR, - a man, who, - having been his PUPIL, - Mum knew, well! That advice CALMED Mum, WONDERFULLY, - and, she PASSED, with FLYING COLOURS!
You remember, that, - before I started to TELL the story, - I told you, that there was a "SURPRISE", to come? The FACT, is, that, when Mum took HER driving test, SHE was ONE MONTH past her SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY!
GOOD LUCK, - and, PLEASE, - let me KNOW, how it goes!
2007-02-25 21:52:28
answer #10
answered by Spike 6