I have heard that it shows earlier second time around as you've stretched before and your muscles seperate more easily. Also second babies do tend to be slightly larger than first babies, although this isn't always that case and wouldn't really show up until the third trimester anyway. The average increase is 150g (5-6oz) so it's not a lot. I've only got one baby but I had to reply to your question after seeing your user name!! Take a look at mine!
2007-02-26 11:56:52
answer #1
answered by Up-side-down 4
i acually asked a woman this question the other day! she said that u do show quicker with the 2nd becoz ur body has already streached with the 1st.im not sure wether this is true or not,im hoping its true im a sz16 and there hav been 2 girls abit bigger than me who live beside me who didnt look pregnant but r now pushing buggies!im trying 4 a baby at the minute and am really hoping i get a bump!!!i did with my son wen i was a sz 14,i dont want ppl to just think im fat and then say,oh my god,she was pregnant!i want my baby bump lol
2007-02-25 21:59:40
answer #2
answered by victoria 1
I am now 10 weeks pregnant and I see and feel nothing. I have not gained any inches, weight not a thing. The general understanding is that you do show sooner on the second and subsequent babies, but it also differs per person.
2007-02-25 21:14:48
answer #3
answered by Vimbai M 2
i did iam 22 weeks now and had a bump since week 8, every one says iam having twins! I know this not to be the case so enjoy the bump , I get asked all the time if iam sure I know my dates if I m having twins. its quite funny really. This is my 2nd pregnancy and iam loving every minute of it despite having a kindney infection so show your bump off with pride xxgood luck
2007-02-25 23:21:56
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Yes,this occurs because after pregnancy one our muscles that may have helped to keep pregnancy number one all pulled in til quite late on, dont work so well anymore so nearly all women will show earlier, i certainly did....think it was about 9 weeks with my second pregnancy. If you are slim at all this also means you are far more likely to show earlier. Congratulations on the pregnancy x x
2007-02-25 22:09:22
answer #5
answered by doodlebip 4
Yes. With my first child, I didn't show til almost 6 mos. pregnant. With my second, I started showing at 4 mos. pregnant. And then with my third, I showed almost right away. I thought there was something wrong with me, but it's because you're muscles have already been stretched out from having your first child. It's normal.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
2007-02-25 20:59:32
answer #6
answered by impossiblemama 4
everyone is different. i have 3 children and my first was the biggest bump, 2nd hardly showed and third was also small. i'm also 4 weeks pregnant now and i look 3 months.
2007-02-25 20:58:09
answer #7
answered by rollita9 2
i became showing by about 8 weeks with my second, it became embarrassing how massive i became. It became fairly annoying because with my first I hardly ever confirmed in any respect until eventually i became nicely over 30 weeks. I in simple terms kept telling actually everyone it turned right into a large toddler and fortunately it turned right into a really huge toddler, i'd were mortified if a tiny toddler had popped out!
2016-12-04 23:21:46
answer #8
answered by ? 4
with my first and second children i hardly showed at all and people kept asking whos children they were! this time round though i can tell straight away im pregnant. your stomach muscles just arnt as strong.
congatulations though
2007-02-25 21:09:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
im almost 21 weeks on my third child and im not showing much at all.
2007-02-25 21:18:16
answer #10
answered by lisa c 3