Below is an article from the Toronto Sun -
Now before you say it's a liberal paper it isn't - It is a pro conservative paper from a blue collar perspective .
Vladimir Putin's harsh criticism of U.S. military and foreign policy on February 10 should have set off alarm bells in the West, but apparently did not.
In a startlingly blunt speech at a Munich security conference, Russia's president accused Washington of seeking world domination, undermining the UN and other international institutions, monopolizing world energy resources, destabilizing the Mideast by its bungled occupation of Iraq, and unleashing a new nuclear arms race by planning to deploy anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe.
9 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
The diplomatic turbulence developed after a Russian general on Monday warned that Russia could aim missiles at neighbors Poland and the Czech Republic if they allow components of the US missile shield on their soil.
General Nikolai Solovtsov, head of Russia's strategic missile force, said that Russia could easily restart production of medium-range missiles if the decision were taken to withdraw from the Cold War-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), signed by Moscow and Washington in 1987.
"I think that was an extremely unfortunate comment," Rice said.
13:15:07 ·
update #1
Russia sells Iran “Antiaircraft Missiles”
12/3/2005 12:30:00 PM GMT
(REUTERS PHOTO) A Russian air defence missile system is seen in an undated file photo
Russia approved the sale of anti-aircraft missiles, known by the NATO designation SA-15 Gauntlet, to Iran, part of arms $1 billion worth deal expected to increase Moscow's military cooperation with the Islamic Republic, according to Russian news reports.
13:18:14 ·
update #2
Your sarcasim is telling of things you would rather not fess up to
13:24:00 ·
update #3
Opposeing harsh sanctions against Iran supplying them with 1 billion in arms and saying that the US is dragging us into another cold war and saying we can target EU nations in a moment - Thats pretending ? Wow
13:25:53 ·
update #4
I think it is frightening what this president is doing to our stand in the world. It will be a miracle if we ever recover. I don't think it will be just a cold war if we go into Iran. It's going to get very hot, very quick. It may not be Russia, but it will be very hot with Iran.
2007-02-25 13:18:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Lets put it this way...Russia will sell arms to anyone who has the money. Don't believe that first response. It's bull. Russia already told the US it will not allow our ICBM's in there. So forget that.
You really would have had to 'be there' during the Cold War with Russia. I was...I know what was going on. You'd also have to go back into the old newspaper archives from that time to REALLY KNOW THE TRUTH. Don't listen to these people who write their own synopsis of the current issues.
It is necessary to understand Russia from 1938 until current day. Although they are known of late as Russia, they still have the old attitudes of the U.S.S.R.
The United States has not unleashed a new Nuke race with Russia. Do you realize how many missile sites in the US are disarmed??
This may be a more Republican slanted paper, but "The Army News" is not written by any writer's who are in the Army and have no Army affiliations. The only reason why the issues in Iraq are being bungled is because CONGRESS CAN'T MAKE UP IT'S MINDS. They are NOT working on the resolutions, binding or non and 1/4 of them are out campaigning for election. The money cannot go to the soldiers because they won't approve it, and they want to 'starve our soldiers' out of the war. What the H would anyone expect from a congress who promised to be one way, and is doing the exact opposite? For the 51st time...the White House has said over and over, and over again, WE'RE NOT INVADING IRAN. What part of that doesn't any liberal understand!
2007-02-25 13:48:41
answer #2
answered by chole_24 5
i would only be moderately worried about a russian attack, if at all. but think about what kind of effect even a cold arms race would have on china. the mere threat of instability could push US into a war with 4 or 5 fronts.
in terms of iran itself, what could be achieved by attacking them? Bush has just toppled the only force that was stopping iran and iraq from being in partnership, both being shi'ite. hunted down and killed the one political entity that iran feared. bush has facilitated iran's stronghold on the region. why invade them when it seems he is so intent on helping them?
2007-02-25 13:34:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
None. Russia is a better friend with America than with Iran. Russia is just pretending to be friends with Iran to stop what Russia sees as American "imperialism".
Russia sold weapons to Iran to try to stop what Russia sees as American imperialism.
We are currently putting weapon systems in former U.S.S.R. countries. That is imperialistic in Russia's point of view.
A new advanced anti-missile system is being put in one former soviet block country. Also, we are trying to get former U.S.S.R. countries to join NATO.
Russia does not want America to attack Iran. It sees such an act as imperialistic.
2007-02-25 13:18:07
answer #4
answered by a bush family member 7
this poor misguided man is obviously a Barack Obama supporter. He fails to acknowledge that although the U.S. may have started the action in Iraq, it's not just U.S. there now. If it were about oil, gas wouldn't still cost like $2.40/gallon
2007-02-25 13:19:48
answer #5
answered by Modus Operandi 6
Since Russai wouldn't be a country without our economic infleunce, I wouldn't worry.
2007-02-25 13:20:38
answer #6
answered by ? 2
Yes, and I have it on good authority that the sky is falling as well.
Woe is me! Woe is me!
What are we to do.
George W. Bush is destroying life as we know it.
Woe is me!
2007-02-25 13:22:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We would win, or no one wins. That is all that matters right?
2007-02-25 13:20:37
answer #8
answered by takeashot30 4
woudnt russia bear the responsibilty and not bush?
oh wait! u are a libtard that hates your country. i forgot.
hope that helped.
2007-02-25 13:19:32
answer #9
answered by ronald r 1