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I have a 2000 Chevy Cavalier with about 60,000 miles on it. I use regular grade pennzoil 5w30 motor oil, and a fram sure grip oil filter. About 95% of my driving is in suburban areas and less than 10 miles. Do I still have to change my oil every 3 months or 3000 miles or is that just a myth?

2007-02-25 12:08:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

12 answers

Back in the ol' days when everyone changed their oil auto manufacturers said in their manuals 3 months 3,000 miles. With the advent of better oils and engines. A lot of manufacturers say 7K is OK. I as a rule go between 3 and 5K with a rare 7K, so 3K is old school as the low end and 7 the high end. pick your spot..

2007-02-25 12:13:22 · answer #1 · answered by Uncle Red 6 · 0 0

Not a myth. As your car's engine ages, parts become worn. Maintaining lubricant becomes extremely important. Oil breaks down from heat and age. If your oil is getting black after 3000 miles, you might want to consider changing it more frequently. An oil change is a lot cheaper than having new rings and pistons installed or having your cam go flat.

2007-02-25 12:19:34 · answer #2 · answered by goaltender 4 · 0 0

with that many miles then I would continue to do the regular oil changes at 3000 to 5000 miles. Change the filter every time also.

2007-02-25 12:59:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the 60's we alternated changing the oil filter every other oil change. The important part was the old oil lost it's viscosity resulting in lower oil pressure. Old filters lower your pressure and hotter running engines still break down oil and oil pressure is still one of the most important indicators of a smooth running power plant.

p.s. Over 40 years experience in not taking my vehicles to money grubbing auto mechanics.

2007-02-25 13:53:34 · answer #4 · answered by denbobway 4 · 0 0

u have to change ur oil every 3000 miles or 3 three month which ever come first. that is the role . and if u do that regularly u will get longer age for ur engine , cos oil lubricate the engine and dirty oil will not do so .

2007-02-25 12:16:28 · answer #5 · answered by suheeel2002 2 · 0 0

Change the filter every 3000 as it calls for. Short trips are harder on an engine than freeway trips. The oil will get dirtier faster with in town driving.

2007-02-25 12:15:21 · answer #6 · answered by davedoorman66 2 · 0 0

I use a fram xp filter guaranteed for 7000 miles, but I also run synthetic oil

FYI, oil doesn't loose its ability to lubricate (be slippery), it gets dirty and that causes wear

2007-02-25 15:29:54 · answer #7 · answered by smjohnson55 4 · 0 0

No you dont have to, its just good maintenance practice for your vehicle. You could probably get away with 6,000 miles. I sometimes change my oil before it gets jet black. that blackness is dirty contaminated oil and is not as efficient as the clear smooth flowing fresh oil. you wouldn't drink water if you couldn't see through it. well thats how i look at it.

2007-02-25 12:19:00 · answer #8 · answered by sirjames 3 · 0 0

many greater moderen automobiles have a sensor that tracks how long it extremely is been because of fact the final oil substitute. the adult men on the keep are meant to be knowledgeable adequate to comprehend which automobiles have those, and to comprehend a thank you to reset them. regrettably, a lot of them don't comprehend which automobiles have them, or, in the event that they do comprehend, they forget to reset them. consequently, the sensor thinks the vehicle remains using previous oil and it activates the oil substitute mild.

2016-11-25 23:12:37 · answer #9 · answered by stuesse 4 · 0 0

it is no myth. I run synthetic oil in my car, and still have it changed every three to four months. changes that frequent, make the engine last longer, run smooth

2007-02-25 12:22:09 · answer #10 · answered by duster 6 · 0 0

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