I believe than an esthetician is a beauty and skin care specialist. (Looked up the word and it can also be spelled with an 'a' as in aesthetician :) Programs for training to become an esthetician are typically where cosmetology programs are offered, thru vocational-technical schools and/or private beauty schools. I believe that some of the topics covered in such a program include make-up application, therapeutic massage, body hair removal/waxing, glycolic facial peels, dermabrasion. I'm not really sure of the job prospects and if they are abundant or the income. I would think that technical competency, knowing the science behind what one is doing is crucial along with customer relations and having people smarts as well. Not sure about price of such programs but the vo-tech schools are probably more affordable if wondering. The private programs are typically pricey. Good luck with whatever endeavor you choose!
2007-02-25 10:42:17
answer #1
answered by jannsody 7
I am an esthetician and I love it.. it has a lot of potential for different job types. You can go anywhere from a salon or spa setting, to a resort, to medical and dermatology. Make sure that if you do, you find a good school that will train you on the machines and teach you to understand why you are doing what you are doing instead of just going through the motions. Good luck!
2007-02-25 19:39:18
answer #2
answered by bbydrms2007 2
A worthy profession and with the increase of people spending so much money on "looking good" -- it will be around. Maybe even open your own spa. Young girls and boys should learn early how to take care of their skin and maybe that's a niche to fill right there with young clientele.
2007-02-25 18:35:01
answer #3
answered by JusMe 5