CALL the credit card company immediately and let them know. They will ask what the circumstances are and what you can pay. Work out a payment plan so that your credit won't be impacted negatively.
2007-02-25 09:41:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Depending on whether you've already missed any payments, you may at least be able to ammeliorate the accumalation of interest by applying for a new card with a 0% interest for several months, but you need to be sure to read the fine print, because some cards, specifically HSBC for one, will hike your interest rate through the roof if you miss even one payment by only a day or two. I would agree though, that transfers aside, you'd be better off to contact the card company and explain what's going on. My heart goes out to you. You're in a very unfortunate position. Best wishes.
2007-02-25 17:49:10
answer #2
answered by wo_manifest 4
look for things to sell in a garage sell or on ebay. You should be able to pretty easily sell enough stuff to make the mins for amonth or two....if you are late its likely that the CC will take your interest rate above 30%...
Don't float a on at a rip off check cash place, you might try surfing to another card...or maybe borrow a bit from parents if you have that option.
Check out the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. This debt issue and the debt itself is a symptom of a larger problem with budgeting.
2007-02-25 18:41:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Call the credit card companies. You HAVE to make a payment arrangement with them.
If you don't and you just don't pay, or pay less than the minimum, you are going to get hit with late fees, a ton of interest and a whole bunch of negative reports on your credit record.
You have to talk to them and work out payments.
2007-02-25 17:45:37
answer #4
answered by Faye H 6
Consolidate your credit card bills to lower your payment. You can comparison shop at the below website
2007-02-26 00:00:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous