becouse they can hide behind the comfort of their computers it isnt as nervouse meatin sum 1 cos ur not face 2 face
2007-02-25 09:41:27
answer #1
answered by blossom 3
Because you're not continually watching the other person's reaction,and seeing a look of disapproval.
It's strange how you can be more "open" on the 'net when you know that your thoughts are being preserved(as it were)
Yet if you talk to a best-friend there's no record.
Another reason is that everybody seems so nice and helpful.
You get the impression "Oh.he or she sounds nice"
I've also seen quite a few questions where the person concerned has no-one else to turn to and looks to their "friends" on the 'net (embarassment or lack of information on a personal problem.)
NOT SAD! Pleeeze.Just looking for someone to give them Info that they can't get elsewhere.
2007-02-25 10:36:00
answer #2
answered by Vincent A 3
It is easier to open up on the net instead of face to face also I like stranger's opinions because they do not know you so you get an outsider's view on things
2007-02-25 09:26:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
well my theory is that most ppl would rather tell a complete stranger their life story than tell a close friend. its like there own 15 minutes of fame or maybe its an attention thing? not sure like i say. it could be a million different reasons
2007-02-25 09:24:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Maybe It's becuz ppl dont have the pressure you have of telling something to ppl you know.. and you care about what they say. When you speak to someone you'll never meet.. you feel free to be who you really are in the inside.. or who you want to be... Even if they know your name.. they don't know who you are. You will never meet me but I will influence on you.. I am now changing your life!! and you dont know who I am... THANK YOU INTERNET!
2007-02-25 09:34:56
answer #5
answered by The.Girl.From.The.Rockshow 2
yes but just because you know their 'real' name it doesn't mean your going to be seeing them any time soon. It's the same when you go on holiday - you feel free to do anything because you know that no one knows you. No one judges you on the net!
2007-02-25 09:28:13
answer #6
answered by Faith 5
You are not influenced how somebody appears or looks like. I like it.
Only the meaning of the written characters count.
2007-02-25 09:23:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
they dont expect their friends will go on these sites.
its easier to write things down n show ppl than tell him face to face aswell.
2007-02-25 09:28:52
answer #8
answered by ribenacreep1 3
freedom of speech it only exists on the net
2007-02-25 09:33:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I fear to be simplistic...but maybe it is because people want nothing other than the opportunity to be honest...?
2007-02-25 09:25:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous