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Do you believe that Islam hates America?

Do you believe, as a people, they are ALL willing to die?

Do you believe that it is possible we are all being misled into believing that all Islamic people are willing to die just to hurt a few of us?

Does any of that sound incredibly stupid to you?

I'm no muslim, nor do I care about them any more than I care about anyone else on this planet. The difference between me and some of you out there is that I don't care any LESS for them than I do for anyone else on the planet. To me, they are just people with a different religion.

My point is, maybe if we were not killing them they would stop defending themselves and causing death to our people? And face it folks, they did not start this war. Please be honest with yourselves. Islam did nothing to start any of what is happening. 9/11 was an inside job. The evidence is overwhelming and to ignore it and subsequently support the war is to admit complete ignorance.

2007-02-25 08:57:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Admitting Ignorance. Sounds sort of comical.

2007-02-25 08:58:34 · update #1

2 answers

All hate sounds incredibly stupid to me. I have always been a spiritual person, tho not a religious one, and I do have to admit that I am just learning the teachings of various religions. The thing that has always struck me about any religious war, or act of violence, is that it goes directly against the teaching of whatever religion is using it as a battle cry. So far in my learning, unconditional love and compassion toward our fellow human beings is the foundation of all religions, followed by "Thou shalt not kill". How then can any group or individual, claiming to truly believe in and accept God, regardless of which religion they choose to follow, justify killing in the name of God. The absurdity of the contradiction is incredibly stupid.
We need to step back and take a look at the big picture. Humanity is in trouble, we are poisoning Mother Earth, our only home, we are spending billions of dollars each year to kill each other and aquire wealth and power, while we completly ignore the poor, starving, dying billions of people in the world. Regardless of who started what war, we need to wake up to the fact that if we don't put our differences aside NOW and work together to save the planet and the living creatures on it, none of us will be around to care who belongs to what religion.
So I guess my answer is no I do not believe in hate, I believe in God. and yes it all sounds incredibly stupid to me.

2007-02-25 09:19:55 · answer #1 · answered by presumedduggy 2 · 1 0

Yes its ludacris(and I don't mean the rapper). Its just basic bigotry. Just like the old beliefs that all blacks are thieves or all hispanics are lazy etc. I happen to know some people who are muslim and they are fine upstanding people just like most people. 9/11 opened a door to hatred, all types of hatred much of which had been put to rest as inappropriate years ago. And sadly enough, its being fueled by those who should know better, the evangelical christians. Hatred is ignorance in any situation and to think an entire group of people are all the same is the worst kind of ignorance. This country needs to stop trying to force others to think and act in our prescibed way. Everyone is different and we in this country need to accept and respect that.

2007-02-25 09:09:32 · answer #2 · answered by elfess_butterfly 1 · 0 0

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