I watched a film last week but only saw an hour of it and really want to see the rest...
when i asked what it was called the person sed something like 'brocolli' or 'brocovich' or something...
Its about a woman and she used to be the beauty queen of witicha or someplace... And she has two kids and dresses kinda sluttish... shes looking for a job at the begining... and when she finally gets one she loses it because she went off for a week... little did they know she was researching a case on the job....
shes been divorced twice as well..
she loses a court case over a car crash at the begining also... even tho it wasnt her fault.. and because she didnt have insurance shes in debt....
one more thing... she ends up with her next door neighbour...
does anyone have a clue what im talking about??
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