Once again we human beings would have to resort to actual communication face to face with other human beings. Well discounting phones I guess. Too many times its easy for us to escape reality and dive into fantasy on the net. We should never forget that mankind need each other to survive, not the internet. I went without it for about 7 months recently and you know what? I actually enjoyed it. Not to say it doesnt come in handy but oh my goodness, remember what its like to read a book? Better yet, read a book to your kids?
2007-02-25 08:58:30
answer #1
answered by evertoldalie 3
I would die.
Libraries would be full.
I think it's funny that so many people are dissing the internet and people who rely on it. Not all information can be found in books. Why do you think people resorted to using the internet? It's not just because its faster and easier. If the library doesn't have the book there's not that much you can do. What's so great about ordering something and waiting 3 months for it before you know what's in it and if it will help? Or finding it's out of print? The library closes at midday here, what do you do then?
I only really get told information about stuff going on in my town and even then I have to sift through stuff i'm not interested in until I find events that appeal to me. Without the internet I wouldn't know that there's a great little club just on the outskirts or I'd have to hope that my favourite band advertises their tour in any one of the 20 magazines there is, or join their fan club to recieve updates.
etc etc.
Some people REALLY need to get over themselves.
2007-02-25 09:17:38
answer #2
answered by Fluffy 4
Really bored people.
But seriously, a lot of businesses and companies have been relying on the Internet for bookkeeping, accounts, and a lot of sensitive information - i'm sure it'd end up being a disaster somewhere.
On the plus side - people would be forced to find other methods of entertainment. They might take up reading or camping or something (especially if other forms of technology were eliminated as well).
2007-02-25 08:55:32
answer #3
answered by Prideful 2
America would crash and fall. Everyone is too dependent on technology these days. Kids don't even do homework without the Internet. Businesses are too dependent on Internet as well and don't even bother with hard copies. Just remember what happened in 2000. Everyone freaked out.
2007-02-25 08:56:00
answer #4
answered by mackenzie 2
there would be a return to books as a primary source of knowledge but the acccess of others may happen exclusively by mobile phones and texting. there might be a reconstruction of how, but the whys will continue, humans are brilliant at adaptation!
2007-02-25 08:54:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Men would surely find another way to communicate. After all we are God's creation.
2007-02-25 08:54:45
answer #6
answered by Party _Boy 2
For one thing, all of us Yahoo answer freaks would have to find another hobby!
2007-02-25 08:55:34
answer #7
answered by texasjewboy12 6
a lot of companies would crash , pupil's , husband's and wive's would not be able to cheat ,
people would find time to do a lot of thing's they used to do
2007-02-25 08:54:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well you and me wouldn't be able to do this!! We may even find better things to do on a sunday night!
2007-02-25 08:55:28
answer #9
answered by jim b 2
I'd have to join a gym
2007-02-25 09:22:38
answer #10
answered by David R 5