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In this society where kids intimidate so many people in public, unchallenged... Some kids are very decent but others act worse than hyenas. How has it come to this and will it ever stop?

2007-02-25 08:48:59 · 8 answers · asked by Liz S 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

8 answers

I think if they are unemployed and not really interested in education. Then why not put them into the army that way they'll doing this country some good. However then i remember how once your a solidier you become like a henceman for the biggest gangster in the country. At the moment it's Tony Blair tomorrow it will someone else however the rules will stay the same. "If you mess with me or my mate Bush we'll come and take over your country and even kill you if you p*** us about too much". I hope Mr Blair can sleep at night as everyday our solidiers are being killed in a war which was unlawfull and unfair. Iraq today is a battle ground and all Mr Blair can say is that " these things take time". And let me tell you another gag of the month we've got Prince Harry who can't wait to be deployed to Iraq so that he can show that his family are not just a bunch of scroungers who live on tax payers money. If it was a war that we all believed in fair enough. But why should he go and fight in a war in which hundreds are dying on a monthly basis. Kids are being made orphaned women are being widowed. And this is all due to the fact that Mr Bush and Mr Blair had a personal grugde against Saddam. Now that really is funny.

Now coming back to your point and i do apologize for going off topic but this just had to be said. Kids need more discipline from parents if the parents don't take responsibility for their kids than they should be punished and made account for what their child has done the law should be made tighter on this. Up until the child is 16. Once their 16 and can't behave themselves if they become a druggy lowlife who's scrounging on tax payers money and overall causing nusaince to their neigbourhoods. Then they should be thrown into Prison or Youth offenders. If there are not enough prisons then build more and in the mean time throw them on a ship a send them to Australia like to olden days. Or equivelent. The scumbags don't deserve to live here. ASBO's are not enough. And i hate all this underage consideration that's given to a 16 year old. If they want to be treated like adults they should f****** start behaving like one. If an adult hits a kid they'll arrested a charged with assault. So why not vice versa because after all they want to be treated like adults and that's what happens adults.

And as for those 14 year old slappers who decide get pregnent at school. There should be a limit to the amount of financial support they get provided by the government. At the moment if a girl gets pregnant they don't have to necessarily get a job until that baby is 16 years of age. So they can fill their pockets with handouts which comes from my hard earned money and also live in a council house rent free and not worry about working for the next 16 years. Funny how the same doesn't apply if you have a child at 20. Not that i'm in favour of that either may i just add. But these stupid little girls should be made to understand the consequences of not having a bit of control or using protection. There's plenty of sex education provided in their school careers. So that's not the issue as some politicians may argue. It's plain stupidity and in some cases a fashion these days to have kids at an early age. It makes me literally want to puke when i see little girls who're bearly out of school walking around with a pushchair.

So that's what i would do if ever become Prime Minister. Which to be quite honest is never going to happen. So thanks for reading everyone and i hope you agree with me. As this country needs a good kick up the Backside to improve on this issue. It's a disgrace.

2007-02-26 00:23:00 · answer #1 · answered by Tan R 1 · 0 0

First of all,i'd educate the parents...We can't expect youngsters to behave how we deem to be normal if their own parents are yobs..There are a lots of good kids out there but if they have bad guidance,what are we gonna get?????

2007-02-25 17:12:02 · answer #2 · answered by trish b 7 · 0 0

National service. Turn them from thugs to soldiers and teach them respect, discipline and responsiblitiy.
I think a year in the army will change them, teach them skills they can use to get a job in civilian life and become useful members of the community.

2007-02-25 16:55:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

it is a fact that national service works. it goes a long way to taking the anger out of angry young men. i do know because i've trained quite a few in my time. i can honestly say that i've never seen anyone leave the army after serving two years national service without it doing them a lot of good for their future life.

2007-02-26 11:20:18 · answer #4 · answered by briangimma 4 · 0 0

Everything is sowing in the house. If the parents seeded the seed, and they did not irrigate it, took care of it, so that it grew right, then that is the result, what these commenting.

2007-02-25 16:56:55 · answer #5 · answered by FlowMaster 3 · 0 0

Export them to Belgium!

2007-02-26 08:56:43 · answer #6 · answered by MAdFool 2 · 0 0

My answer would be 2 put them in2 the real prison system not these young offender institutes where they get molly coddled and are aloud 2 do as these please.

2007-02-25 16:57:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

bring discipline back to schools and make parents responsible for their children's actions.

2007-02-25 16:55:11 · answer #8 · answered by Alfred E. Newman 6 · 0 0

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