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I have been hired to help my city council in an effort to improve crime prevention methods within my community and I'm suppose to Construct a ten-question survey on the community's feelings about local crime prevention efforts. The community I live in is Kenmore Washington. But I'll take anyones help if I can get it.

2007-02-25 08:25:26 · 2 answers · asked by Shellybelli24 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

1. I think that City Hall has hired the wrong person, if you need to be getting help at this stage, and you turn to Yahoo! Answers.

2. Your questions should focus on local initiatives and issues, and they are apparent from a quick look through the City of Kenmore Police Department's webpages. You need to ask about people's views on these matters (have things improved? do you feel safer? are you involved in any initiatives? etc.).

3. These are ten areas that I picked up on:
a) Citizen's Academy
b) Kenmore Junior High School Student Academy
c) Citizen Volunteer Program
d) Block watch
e) Vacation House Check Program
f) Home Security Survey
g) Home invasion robbery
h) Traffic/pedestrian safety
i) Kenmore Noise Ordinance
j) Sex Offender Search

2007-02-28 01:50:10 · answer #1 · answered by ♫ Rum Rhythms ♫ 7 · 0 0

Have you or anyone in your family ever been the victim of crime? If so, how long ago.

Has your home or automobile ever been burglarized?

How often do you see a police or sherriffs vehicle as you drive through town, in the course of your regular routine? (Every day, a few times per week, seldom, never.)

Do you always lock your doors on your car and at home, while you are home, when you go to bed at night, when you leave each day?

2007-02-28 02:54:33 · answer #2 · answered by Sweet n Sour 7 · 0 0

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