Yes. The difference in the quality of materials is a dead give-away. Prada's canvas bags are a bit easier to fake. But LV's leather, locks and brass fittings cannot be duplicated at an affordable price range. Also if you can afford a real Chanel bag, the rest of your wardrobe has to be just as pricey to pull it off. The quality of luxury goods will sustain you through decades. The junk just falls apart. Working with a couturier I have seen what goes into a luxury item. The workmanship, the expensive leathers and laces from European mills. So go with Prada Canvas if you want a fake. Also I can tell because of the people I know and all my travelling, but the average Joe Walmart wouldn't be able to tell.
2007-02-25 07:36:31
answer #1
answered by DIANA C 1
People who are really into that sort of thing can. One of my friends can spot a fake Prada a mile away. She lives for fashion and top designer stuff. On the other hand, I couldn't tell the difference between a $15 Walmart purse and a $1500 Hermes purse. Actually, I'm impressed that I even know how to spell Hermes. :D
2007-02-25 07:18:38
answer #2
answered by Jadalina 5
you can't always tell by looking, but most of the time, yeah. Some fakes are unbelievable now. But yeah, others can tell. It's not just to do with the rest of the outfit that you wear, it's also a certain way that people who can afford such things carry themselves
2007-02-25 07:20:26
answer #3
answered by s g 2
YES... SO many people have fake LVs..The monogram things aren't even lined up straight, and sometime's they're upside down. Real bags are made of leather, not cheap plastic. Everything should be lined up perfectly straight.
2007-02-25 07:16:07
answer #4
answered by R*A*C*H*E*L♥ 2
It depends. Before you buy one, go to the stores' websites and check out the monograms and color combinations. And don't forget to barder while you shop! You should check out the back rooms of Canal St. in New York. They're easy to find and have some really convincing knockoffs. Good luck!
2007-02-25 07:21:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, you can tell whether an LV is fake or not, but looking at the prints, if they're fake, then the prints aren't lined up properly.
2007-02-25 10:44:23
answer #6
answered by ~♫music♥girl♫~ I♥you 3
for example, not knowing what to look for, i bought a fake Von Dutch hat when i went to mexico...and just a week ago i bought a real one and noticed that on the back where you tighten and loosen the hat...the REAL one had Von Dutch encarved into it...while the fake DID NOT!
but...i had a fake rolex...and it was so well fakedXD...that it tricked the appraisers for a whilexDxDxD
nice questionnnnn:D
2007-02-25 07:17:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well I sure can't....then again I live in an area where teeth are don't get the whole thing about the purses, I guess it is a status thing or whatever....I guess whatever floats someones long as you don't wear a poor little dog as an accesory...that is wierd to me...!!!!!
2007-02-25 07:18:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you are sitting at McDonalds with your Gucci bag they will know is is a fake.
2007-02-25 07:16:48
answer #9
answered by Barkley Hound 7
YES... It's easy to spot a fake.
2007-02-27 00:39:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous