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I have applied for several positions online, but would feel better having/making a personal contact so I can follow through. Does anyone have any ideas how/who I can contact so I can make a personal connection to go along with my online applications? I will graduate from UC Berkeley in May and would love to begin a career with the Disney Company.

2007-02-25 06:08:30 · 3 answers · asked by Miriam L 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

I am especially interested in Imagineering, Theme Park Development, Advertising, and Guest Relations, in that order.

2007-02-25 06:24:31 · update #1

I'd even be interested in an internship position that could lead into an entry level position after it was completed.

2007-02-25 06:26:41 · update #2

3 answers

Sorry, I have no idea.

I want to become an Imagineer when I grow up
Good Luck!

2007-02-25 14:45:44 · answer #1 · answered by ew. 3 · 0 0

You didn't include which department. There are thousands.
In person interviews are necessary for any serious applicants
Call the studio in Los Angeles and ask about procedures and
appointments. If you're in the animation field or any other
artistic catagory, be sure to bring all your work. For other
jobs, make sure your resume includes accomplishments
in fields related to the one's you're interested in. Do some
homework in this before you show up. If you want to start
as a gopher or in the proverbial "mail room", get into a
long line. They are looking for high energy, smiling,
cooperative, smart and hard working....even at the entry

2007-02-25 14:22:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Disney has many different companies. You'll need to be more specific.

2007-02-25 14:12:13 · answer #3 · answered by annazzz1966 6 · 0 0

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