It's an easy way to get some cash, and we call it FREE. Just register at free sites and do surveys. I made 68$ this weekend.Here's a link to an online tutorial and top 10(best paying) sites
2007-02-26 13:21:50
answer #1
answered by thee_maksym 2
First, ignore the idiots on here with prostituting as their answer! There are many great ways to make a grand. You can start locally and try weekend-type ideas: washing cars, babysitting, helping older neighbors clean their homes, etc. Sure, it's work, but it'll get money in your pocket, most likely by summer.
You could also try to sell off some of your unused items to a local consignment shop or better yet, on Ebay or Craigslist. Some things you could look for: clothes in good shape that you're no longer liking, video games, books, etc. I would try Craigslist first since there isn't any fee listing an item to sell. (Your local paper may also have a section where you can list items for sale for free as well.) Take digital photos of your stuff and price it reasonably. Meet buyers at a public place to finalize the sale - preferably at a mall with lots of people around.
If you don't have lots to sell, you can ask your friends for their unused goodies and help them sell for a fee. For example, charge 25% of total sales. This works great if you have friends with lots of stuff! You'll need to do the selling legwork, like taking pics and all that.
Try to set small goals, and try out new ideas if something doesn't work. You have a good amount of time to get your cash saved up. Be sure to put your cash away or have your parents hold onto it. It'll be tempting not to spend!
Another quick idea if you're crafty: go to your local library and take out some craft books. Sewing, knitting, etc. There's a ton of crafting ideas that aren't "old lady like" that are totally fun to do. Create a few goodies with friends and take a shot at selling them! Go door to door in your neighborhood. This could also work with baking goodies as well. Make tins of cookies or brownies, etc. Tell neighbors, friends, and family that you're trying to raise money to see your best friend. I'm sure this can bring you in a bit of cash!
I'm oozing with other ideas, but hopefully this will help you get started!
Good luck! :D
2007-02-25 09:28:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Baby sitting, would be the 1st idea, go put up flyers and then work for a family
i do not know where you live but you could fly from NY to London for a lot less then a 1000
good luck
2007-02-25 06:01:17
answer #3
answered by bkbarile 5
start saving 10 dollar bills and in no time you'll have 100 of them to make the $1'000 it will work have patance.Or let them set up a ebay account and sell some stuff hangin around the house.
2007-02-25 06:18:46
answer #4
answered by mike g 1
There are a million jobs you can do for cash under the table. Mow lawns, wash windows, clean houses, babysit, etc...
2007-02-25 06:00:01
answer #5
answered by meathookcook 6
In order ta make money ya got to hustle. Try to hustle and tell me how it works out. or ya can just steal it.
2007-02-25 05:55:54
answer #6
answered by Sangre Dominicano 2
Ask 500 people for $2... hey, it's gotta get you somewhere! :)
2007-02-26 11:11:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Clean houses...advertise and see if you can get some jobs.
2007-02-25 06:00:50
answer #8
answered by DeborahDel 6
get out there on the corner and sell urself
2007-02-25 05:54:49
answer #9
answered by teeteewoods69 1
Dont ask me i'm broke!!
2007-02-25 05:55:15
answer #10
answered by yourkidingmesmalls 1