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In todays times it is even more important because of terrorism?
When is the society going to give these females equality?
Unlike during vietnam or world wars they are no longer matriarchs or the anchors of faimly.The modern female is independant and has a distinct disdain towards marrige and live in relationships so why isnt she asked to fight for the country instead of mouthing feminist clap trap and living on unearned?

American females should compare themselves to Russian women and their combat history in world war 2 ,What have you really done for this country ???except think about yourselves at the expense of others?

You dont even have the moral courage to embrace equality in its true form and then you rant and rave men are bad???

You justify every extreme that you go to by the fact women were suppressed well are you now?? whats your excuse for not leading by example?

You want to have the best of everything and not be accountable ehhh?

The future of global liability

2007-02-25 05:37:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

I'am not talking of the past your mothers and grandmothers were real ladies i'am talking of the enlightened ,independant ,knee jerking female of the 21st century who says"mean are the cause of all wars".
You should consider yourself lucky my dear american man they havent started working on casteration as the new symbol of feminism instead of knee jerking the guys.

2007-02-25 06:02:25 · update #1

Hey Mcarthur i will hold you to your words and the next time you have a draft let your females see some action instead of barking frenzied hatred.
What a country ? God if ever there was a time and place where a guy is second class your country is simply the best.

2007-02-25 06:06:04 · update #2

Then answer this what kind of a female insults and treats their males like filthy diseased low lives?

If your country does not wake up you will not be able to stand up aginst the new terrors.

Thank you for not bothering me but it seems evasion of the question is what females are good at ,i simply asked why you shouldnt be drafted and i was asked to go to a shrink.

Buy you know what this time i think your american guy isnt going to take it ,he has taken a lot most of filth ,you will have to prove now what you bark about.

2007-02-25 07:09:05 · update #3

Yeah factories blah...blah what do you really know about real war and what it takes to win one?
Those same men you have been degrading fought for you and it is shameful that you females insult and degrade them.
You should perhaps have been sent to Poland in Hitlers germany then maybe you would have realized what the value of your men is.

2007-02-25 07:18:01 · update #4

The worst part is if a draft comes along you american females will yet again snivell out of it with the double standard ridden legal system you have.
In your country a woman is partial to women for jobs and evrything else.
So treat them like garbage in peace time and send them to their deaths in wartime.
I hope you are happy.
Whatever vices i might have after this i really bless the fact i'am a male.

2007-02-25 07:20:44 · update #5

Hey Skyehigh you picked the wrong guy to be pissed with i served with special forces in india and buddy my old man taught me chivalry and jow to treat a lady.
But there arent any and by the way do you actually know who your father is not some milkman or plumber who did more than just plumbing ehhh?

2007-02-25 09:15:53 · update #6

18 answers

The last war-time draft was the Vietnam War. No women were drafted then, but if a draft does start in the future, it is going to be a hotly debated topic about whether women should be drafted. Good chance it will be the US Supreme Court that makes the final decision. What is going to end up happening, if they do restart a draft, men, who aren't willing to go, will challenge the draft by saying it is unconstitutional because it excludes women. That's the case that would be argued in courts if the draft ever takes place. As far as the Vietnam War, eight women were killed out of the 58,000 American soldiers who died there. The eight women were combat nurses.

2007-02-25 05:58:54 · answer #1 · answered by mac 7 · 1 0

As others noted, in the US, we don't have a draft. We do have women fighting and dying in Iraq now, who volunteered. We had over 40,000 American women who volunteered and were in the first Iraq war as well. If we did have a draft, since mainly old rich white guys are running the country in congress, I doubt if they'll let women be drafted without a huge outcry. They didn't allow women to be drafted in the Vietnam war, for all sorts of sexist reasons. I think if American men are expected to die for their country, so should American women, but I don't know if these old politicians will allow it. Now what are women suppose to do about this rich old guys? I've tried voting them out without success...maybe you could do better.

Unlike the United States, a few countries permit women to fill active combat roles: Israel, Nepal, Norway, New Zealand, Russia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Great Britian and Norway.

It wasn't until 1976 that the The United States Air Force Academy, United States Coast Guard Academy, United States Military Academy and the United States Naval Academy become coeducational. So we're a bit behind the times, as far as the military goes.

There's been quite a few court cases fighting the exclusion of women from serving different roles in the US military. But there seems to be quite a bit of resistance to the idea...so just what else can be done?

It may take the Supreme Court to allow US women to serve in all roles in the US military, but they are pretty conservative, like congress.

It doesn't look like the average woman or man is against women serving in the US military, but it looks like quite a few men in power are against it. Until those in power change, I don't see how the military will be changed.

2007-02-25 18:25:10 · answer #2 · answered by rip_2_4_u 4 · 2 1

Where have you been for the last 30 years, there is no draft.
I know you need help with your history, because there have been women in wars since they dressed as men and fought in the Revolution. Women weren't allowed to carry arms until recently, but as nurses they got bombed and blown apart just the same as men. Women were enlisted to free up men for battle not because they wanted to, but because that's all the armed forces would allow. A position that some would still inflict on them even if its moot now that we are fighting a war without a front.
No, I don't think ALL women would willingly go to war, but then neither would ALL men. I remember many doing their best to get out of Viet Nam, but surely anyone who actually enlists should expect to be in a shooing war, yes, any one.
During WW2, BTW, with all those men gone, Rosie the Riveter kept this country producing all its needs while its men were overseas, so they most definitely did do what their country needed from them at the time.
I am the grandmother you speak of, I am not a young woman, but it is todays woman who are losing their lives in Iraq.
I have read, and even answered you other questions, now I see that you have no need or desire for intellectual honesty, all you want is a place to vent without paying a psychologist, which is a shame since your questions, if they had been honest, could have led to an interesting discussion. I won't be bothering you anymore.

2007-02-25 13:50:24 · answer #3 · answered by justa 7 · 3 2

Your fast to assume that American women hate marriage... It's a matter of opinion... I won't mind getting married, but I won't have more than one child because I don't like things coming out of me that stretch my skin and I like my own freedom. Other women will say different things. This is a country of many women from many countries so are you insulting every woman? That's how I see it, and I know I'm off topic, but you really need to think about all instances and stop being a jack ***.

Now I'll be on topic, women of all countries went to factories and did the jobs men did and were nurses on the field. The reason women weren't drafted in earlier wars is because they might have been still seen as weak at those times. Didn't stop some from going in.

2007-02-25 14:59:48 · answer #4 · answered by monkey_scout 2 · 2 1

The military and the juggernaut of war is a male invention. It's not appetizing to the female psyche. Don't you see all the war video games are bought by boys/men? It's just not a fantasy women engage in. It's like asking why don't men dream about wearing pretty dresses and having long hair (well, some do...). Your insinuation that women get a "free ride" is ludicrous. The world is not kept in motion by machine guns but by intelligence, love, caring, nurturing, parenting, work - all things women volunteer for without having to be drafted.

2007-02-25 15:48:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

"Treat them like garbage in peace time and send them to to their deaths in war time..." God, you hate women. You feel sooo persecuted, don't you? You've been turned down for jobs because you're a man, you've been made to "stand in the back of the bus, huh?" You're afraid of women actually having real equality with men (in India) and you want TO HUNT AND BURN THEM because of it (see his other question about "supressing the male awakening").
But actually, psycho, feminists ARE fighting for women in the military to be able to serve on the front lines. when we allow women to serve in ALL capacities in the military (as is their right) then the "draft" (not that there IS one) will follow.
Oh, and one more thing...you accuse others of "barking frenzied insults" after some of the questions YOU'VE posted on here? Again, you MUST be out of your mind.

2007-02-26 03:28:26 · answer #6 · answered by wendy g 7 · 2 1

I'm not as bitter or angry against women as you apparently are, but I do agree that women should serve in all Military Occupational Specalties (including combat ones like Infantry, Armor, Artillery ect) and in case of a draft they should be conscripted just like the guys are.

You are correct - although the Soviet Army of the World War II era did not draft women, they had female volunteers in all branches of their service - including armor, infantry, snipers, intelligence, fighter pilot ect.

America should do the same!

2007-02-25 15:43:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Whether there has been a draft recently or not, women still do not have to sign up for Selective Service. This is inherently sexist and should be addressed if feminists want true equality.


Israel has instituted such a system in which women also serve; the United States should be easily able to emulate its example.

2007-02-25 13:48:10 · answer #8 · answered by Robinson0120 4 · 5 1

Um, America doesn't have a draft anymore, so that's kind of a dead question. You are just looking to stir the pot, good job. But, I do believe that if the draft really is re-instated in the U.S., women should be drafted, too.

Women did the jobs that the men had to leave behind in WW2.

2007-02-25 20:19:05 · answer #9 · answered by littlevivi 5 · 1 1

dear god i hope they are not drafted.

i don't even want them in the military.

i don't even want men in the military.

i think there should be no need for a military.....anywhere.

but women in the military in kill positions....?...something out of an epic tragedy to me.

see what happens when we let the women have right to vote...?

is there any way we can elect only the women and men that will not espouse military strikes or placing young vulnerable children into the care of military minded.?

is it just me or is the whole freaking galaxy with the impression that women are being turned against humanity..?

i hear it in places of information propogations such as this one where ideas such as "women have rights to kill others" or "...to defend rights and country" ... meanwhile...

in the past decades women have been granted literally millions of gifted politically correct designed opportunities to enter into a work-force thereby displacing millions of men and prospective male children from these opportunities.

these politically correct gifts were given credence and mass acceptability by the medias and press which were manipulated to move over for this mass exodus from house and home and into the public mainstream of millions of women over at least 2 generations now.

and by impressing upon a mass the fallacious and occasional malicious untruths of history which the male gender and all children (not only male but also female children) are expected to accept of yesterdays customs for todays anger/envy/assertions to not only accept non-gratuitously the new powers and secret movements but to remain silent and receive the "dead-beatings" which are our gifts for being male.

weird eh....?.....that many are they which take gifts and then beat they whom were perceived to be responsible for giving these same gifts....?

again...i ask.....when do the beatings end and when can we as humans know our children are safe from they whom exploit all of these contradictory ideas however untrue...?

be well

...i am going to become a feminist and move up to the front of the line. or near the front. i am going to bring some nice people with me and we will together look and find a new cause.

wow...what an opportunity. what a parade.

sandals and doctors shoes......what do doctor shoes look like..?

2007-02-25 15:23:04 · answer #10 · answered by noninvultuous 3 · 0 3

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