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Who would agree that all of the laws, passed by New Labour, designed to give children immunity from any kind of legal action being taken against them have turned them into the wild, feral individuals that they are, they seem to think they are totally and completely invincible, reinforced by a story I read in a newspaper saying that there are gangs as young as 8 terrorising neighbourhoods and even the police are powerless to stop them. It would appear that the laws that were passed on the pretext of protecting children, children themselves have turn this around to give them this impermeable protection that no-one can get to them through? I haven't mentioned about the parents because if they allow their offspring to do this stuff unchecked, they clearly do not care about their children and as far as I'm concerned they are a waste of space! If these are the people we are supposed to be saving the planet for, whats the point? They'll destroy it if we don't!

2007-02-25 02:01:46 · 5 answers · asked by Mr Sarcastic 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Before anyone says it, I'm not labeling ALL kids as this, I realise there are some good ones out there. But I'm not the sort of person that has the belief there is a common good in everybody, there are some bad, bad people out there, and they are getting badder and younger.

2007-02-25 02:04:54 · update #1

5 answers

If people start doing things for themselves things will only improve. People sit in their homes and allow these rubbishes to get away with everything, why not all get together and when they are around surround them and sort them out. I don't mean beating them to death but do to them what they do to others , Put the fear of God into them. If people all stand together and do that they will be scared, but no we all sit cringing behind the curtains, taking photo's of them , scared of them and do nothing, zilch about them. Do like they do in S-Africa start neighbourhood watch but then you get the lazy bums who don't want to co-operate i say let us all stand together and let them feel what it feels like to be terrorised mmm we will probably be the one's ending up in jail.:)

2007-02-25 02:07:56 · answer #1 · answered by Duisend-poot 7 · 0 0

Whitnet is right.

I work as a Security Officer at my local Magistrates' Courthouse, and we have Youth remands and trials every wednesday. Now, I'm fifty, ex part-time Armed Forces (weekend warrior) and I am a bit of the archetypal 'sergeant-major' . When the kids, parents et al arrive at the court, they are searched in accordance with the rules and are given instructions about the basic behavioural standards expected - and they obey! There is very seldom a squeak from any of them, and when you have upwards of thirty youths and their chavvie parents hanging around waiting for their cases to be heard, the potential for trouble is of tinderbox proportions.

If you set down standards of behaviour that are expected of you, then people will repond, to the most part, favourably. The failure of Government has been not to set any framework of acceptable behaviour - there is no line in the sand that must not be crossed. Consequently we have increasing anarchy amongst chidren, youths and young adults

I operate zero tolerance at my Courthouse. Let is return to this nationally, as a matter of State Policy, and then think about human rights. Responsibilities must come first.

2007-02-25 10:24:06 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 2 0

I must say i agree, its one thing to give children protection but i feel at the same time boundaires are necessary too. Children i think (although they dont realise it at the time) like to have limits, they like to have a guide to go by and rules, yes they try to push them but i think they are a benefit.
Im concerned about the parenting of these children that do these things - wheres the discipline?

Good Question

Best wishes


2007-02-25 10:07:02 · answer #3 · answered by Silent Doe 2 · 0 0

The same law which gives total immunity to children should include stiff penalties for the parents of delinquent children.

2007-02-25 10:05:34 · answer #4 · answered by ©2009 7 · 2 0

Sooner or later, vigilanteeism will start against these unruly children.

2007-02-25 10:20:44 · answer #5 · answered by thunor 5 · 1 0

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