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i need to know

2007-02-25 01:57:30 · 8 answers · asked by Amanda O 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

8 answers

Only you and he would know this answer...You are married, so he wouldn't have married you if he didn't love you. You may just be having doubts because maybe he isn't a really outwardly emotional person, examples...telling you he loves you constantly, lovey/dovey with you always..., maybe there are a lot of tensions that are building up, bills, job, whatever. You really didn't give a lot of details on asking your question, like, what is the main reason you ask this? Is he doing something differently or saying something? What triggered you to ask this? I have been married for 14 years....and plan to stay that way until life ends for us. I love him and he loves me, stresses of life can cause tensions on a marriage (especially having a teenager!), but our love is unfaltering. You have to have trust in your spouse and respect. You may be married, but you are each your own individual people, and as long as each of you don't do anything to harm or hurt the other (don't cross any lines). You can each have your own time as well, as long as it is balanced. I wish you good luck. It is sad that marriage to so many is nothing and people get divorced at the drop of a hat. That doesn't really present good raisings for children (granted there are some exceptions to that as well), but people should not rush into just getting married. You should know that person and love that person well enough to know that you want to spend the rest of your life with them. And when it comes to fighting in a marriage, the best advice.."You have to agree to disagree" No two people are the same, and you will have differences of opinions, but is it worth the fight, or should you just agree to disagree about it and continue to be happy. I hope that this helps you, you didn't give many details to go on. But in direct answer to your question, YES he loves you, otherwise he wouldn't have married you. Although if he is mistreating you then that is not a good situation for you to be in...talk to him about it and let him know how you feel, then make your decision.

2007-02-25 02:49:49 · answer #1 · answered by Peachz 2 · 0 0

WEll You need to think about the pros and cons ..frist ! Frist write down alll the good he has done for you and then think about all the not so good ...then you need to site down and talk to him and see how he feels becuase if you are feeling this way ,maybe you need to think about how you feel ..about him ..is your mariage getting boring are you guys falling in to a rutine and not doing thing like you did when you all frist meet ..maybe you guys might need a little fun in the maraige ..maybe you two might need some time apart that way you have time to think and have time to miss one another .what is going on to make you wonder if he loves you ? My Boyfriend ..we are getting married in the fall ...he really dont tell me he loves me only on special occasions ..but i know he really loves me becuase of the little things he does for me ...for example ..when i get home from work some times i am tired and he will go fix me a bubble bath with epson salt and say i fixed you a hot bath and so you can relax even though he works harder than me every day ...he will cook dinner for us he will fix me my plate and even serve me and make sure every one is happy and full befor he will even eat ....me and gary have 5 childeren all together and 3 r mine and 2 r his and so we are pretty busey but its the little things that count ..think about it and talk about it ! Good Luck Tina

2007-02-25 02:16:51 · answer #2 · answered by Fisher 1 · 1 0

If u need to know then u need to ask him. All that i can do is look into my cristal ball and from what i'm seeing it doesn't look to good for the 2 of u.

2007-02-25 02:04:26 · answer #3 · answered by Vince R 5 · 1 0

My crystal ball says Maybe... come on now in all reality how do you really expect anyone to answer that question...

2007-02-25 02:01:19 · answer #4 · answered by dumpllin 5 · 1 0

probably not especially if he is cheating or any thing else he might love you other wise

2007-02-25 02:14:17 · answer #5 · answered by haroldgardner62002006 2 · 0 0

If you have to ask, I'll go with no.

2007-02-25 02:00:33 · answer #6 · answered by oldsoftee2001 6 · 1 0

Are your lights on?

2007-02-25 02:04:44 · answer #7 · answered by supertop 7 · 0 1

Soory... But NO!

2007-02-25 02:16:53 · answer #8 · answered by the_pharaoh109 4 · 1 1

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